Dog famous for his ‘giraffe neck’ is loving and gorgeous and living the dream

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An Instagram canine star with a truly unique appearance has a story to tell, and despite his many challenges to his life way back when he was a puppy, this adorable pooch is living the dream. Perhaps there are lessons here we can all enjoy learning?

Brodie is a Azawakh, a rare sighthound breed, related to Greyhounds and Whippets. These dogs have exceptionally long necks and spots that make them resemble giraffes. According to People, when Brodie was just a puppy, he was hit by a car and then neglected, but finally rescued by Louisa Crook. At the time, his prognosis was poor. His injuries were so severe, Brodie needed to have his front leg and his shoulder amputated, which made his neck ultimately look even longer. Can you imagine?

Louisa Crook sees Brodie as the most beautiful dog EVER and told SWNS that when she first saw him, even after his amputation, his beauty took her “breath away.”

“He does have a very long neck, but it looks ridiculously long from certain angles because his missing shoulder makes him slimmer at the base of his neck. So sometimes it looks like he is just one big neck with legs attached, albeit only three of them.”

Louisa Crook

Crook and Brodie have a special bond, and he is an extremely sweet pooch. Louisa admits she often spends special time with the seven-year-old dog alone in the morning while the other dogs in the house are still asleep.

And we all know that dogs teach humans a lot about appreciating life every day. Perhaps the special message Louis Crook carries about Brodie will inspire us too:

“From Brodie, I definitely learnt not to give up so easily. I was so certain there was no hope and got so close to calling it for him. I shudder to think of it now seeing how he thrived. It is something that has helped me with other dogs that have come into my life, some of them in similar or worse shape than Brodie.

Brodie is the dog I look to when I need to stop feeling sorry for myself. I will never have it as bad as he had it and he got through it all like it was nothing and with a smile on his face.”


Because of Brodie’s unusual appearance and so many people constantly stopping Crook on the street when walking, he now has his own Instagram page with over 25,000 followers.

Live long and love Brodie.

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