High school football players videoed beating a duck to death

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Members of a high school football team from Kennett High School were caught on video enticing a duck from the water and then beating it with a broomstick before strangling the defenseless animal to death.

According to the Conway Daily Sun, a number of students were suspended from playing as a result of their despicable actions while at a training camp in late August. In the video, the students could be seen luring the duck out of Lake Winnipesaukee’s Moultonborough Bay, and then hitting it over the head. Another student strangled the duck to death in what one teen claimed was “euthanizing” the duck.

On Thursday, State Fish and Game Col. Kevin Jordan clarified the Fish and Game’s decision not to charge the students, however stated it did not diminish the seriousness of the situation. Three to six of the team, the Eagles, would be suspended from playing in some football games as punishment for the attack on the animal. Jordan stated more had been done as punishment for the kids.

Jordan added that the students involved had been suspended from playing one to five games. In addition, the teens would be doing community service, however the Conway Area Humane Society forbids anyone associated with animal cruelty can not volunteer at the organization.

There has been considerable criticism against the Fish and Game commission. Most likely there will no longer be football camp next year or in the future.

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Yesterday: Woman faces 79 charges after dead and neglected animals found at her home

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  1. WELL THSI is ASTOUNDING Considering they have the Video to show Just what EVIL, VILE, Cruel , Little Bastards These Youth Are.. Wait till they kill an old man or child for Sport!!!

  2. OMG, WHY???

    These POSs need lengthy jail time and have reserved places in Hell waiting for them where they will burn forever for their cruelty……

    Disgusting and wrong on so many levels…..

  3. What is wrong with the Dept. Of Fish & Game????? Obviously someone knew someone in the Dept. and therefore avoided charges. Now the team can play again like nothing happened! What a bunch of WEIRD FREAKS!

  4. Suspended from playing in 1 – 5 games for these actions, really? How much clearer could it be that killing a defenseless animal is no big deal. These assholes deserve to be suspended from ever playing in another game at that school forever. They also deserve to be charged with a criminal offence. Where is the superintendent of schools and the school board in all of this? How could these officials allow these kids to get away with this with so little punishment? School board members shoud resign in disgrace and the superintendent along with the coach should be fired. Animal cruelty is serious and should be treated as such. Zero tolerance is the only way to make these people understand. Stick it to them big time.


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