Rescue Pomeranian has stolen our hearts while recovering from ‘traumatic experience’

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Meet Tiggy; this little package of utter cuteness has a way to steal out hearts with her face, her expressions and her talent for drama. In a recent clip featured on TikTok by her human @tiggystongue, we are about to burst into tears when her video shows her wrapped up in a towel being softly caressed with following explanation:

She went through a traumatic experience and needed some serious love and cuddles, and to be held for 35 minutes to get over it.

She’s been through things no one should have to go through.


Check it out here:

Tiggy’s owner, Fern Atkinson, then shows us a photo of her tiny dog just having had a bath. For some dogs, baths are traumatic experiences, and although we have no idea why Tiggy is so upset, authorities on dog care say just one bad experience could result in a dog being traumatized. Perhaps being burned by hot water, slipping in the bathtub, getting water in their nose or even soap in their eyes can make a bath an unpleasant experience.

Tiggy, who lives in Amsterdam, had been rescued from a puppy mill and used for breeding other Pomeranians. Slowly, she has become friendlier and much more loveable.

Check out her photos and short clips on TikTok and watch how her life has been gradually changing into a true princess status.

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Cat annoys pup.

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