Abandoned mother dog dumped in freezing cold with sick puppies discovered by young couple who found help

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At the Appalachian Highlands Humane Society in Johnson City, Tennessee, a heartless human decided to abandon a sick mother dog with her four puppies at a dumpster at an apartment complex. The mother dog and her five defenseless puppies had been left outside overnight in the near freezing weather during the December wind, chill and rain.

It had been just pure luck that a young couple had discovered the canine family and reached out for help. One of the puppies had already succumbed to the freezing cold and had sadly passed away.

The mother dog, dubbed Mandy [named after Dr. Amanda Alexander] and her puppies were rushed to the Indian Ridge Animal Hospital of Kingsport where Dr. Alexander began immediate life saving treatments on the entire family. All of the puppies tested positive for Parvo Virus, and all of the puppies presented in cold and critical condition. Tragically, another one of the puppies was suffering too much, and it was decided to humanely euthanize her to avoid any further suffering.

This leaves us asking the question..WHY?! Why would ANYONE do this? There were so many other options.. But tomake the choice to leave a mother and her babies by a dumpster, discarding them like garbage, just why?!?!


Of course, there are no answers, and animal cruelty continues. This entire situation could have easily been avoided by making sure pets are neutered and spayed. Thankfully, there are angels walking among us who will drop everything to come to the aid of these defenseless little ones who have barely had the chance to feel life and the wonderful experiences, love and adventures that lie ahead.

Mandy is currently receiving around-the-clock care along with her puppies. Parvo Virus treatment is very expensive to treat, and the nonprofit organization could use donations to help with their care.

If you’re able to contribute, please click the donation link: https://www.ahhumanesociety.org/donate-2/

If you have any information regarding the abandonment of this mother and her puppies, please do not hesitate to come forward. You may message us the AHHS on Facebook and can remain anonymous. These dogs deserve justice.

We will be sharing updates soon.

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