Owner died and kids threw pup out on streets to be homeless and emaciated

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In Brownsville, Texas, what must this emaciated and homeless dog be thinking? Not too long ago, he lived comfortably with his owner,; he was loved and cared for, but when she died from cancer recently, Coco no longer mattered. The woman’s children pushed the two-year-old pup out into the streets and never looked back.

Many thanks once again for social media and the kindness that so often comes together when those who can’t speak are lucky enough to be noticed.

We saw this post on FB and reached out to finder . Homeless , emaciated , living on the streets , with severe cherry eye that will require surgery .

No dog deserves this life ..

We have agreed to help Coco but we also need your help .. I know we are always asking but we really do need your help .

Rescue Dogs Rock NYC

Rescue Dogs Rock NYC will be making sure Coco is safe and gets the veterinary care she deserves.

They have agreed to help Coco but we also need your help.

Donations Needed :

Pay pal




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This pup loves when daddy comes home.
Check out this baby rhino!

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  1. Little Coco is VERY lucky to be alive and getting better with help from Rescue Dogs Rock NYC. I think of all the awful things that could have happened to her and I am very glad that they didn’t happen to this precious little treasure……

    And the POS kids had no problems taking whatever they deemed of “financial value”……… I hope they enjoy burning in the hottest part of Hell forever……… their cruelty has earned them reserved spaces……..

  2. How do we add this precious little treasure to our family?

    We are in Washington state (& I am an expert on caring for these precious little treasures)….. Also, humans (& autistic kids ~44 years of experience working with autistic patients), cancer patients and dementia patients…….. horses (we have a horse therapy program for autism patients and dementia patients……. ALL are welcome to join us😀😀😀

    I can’t understand why and how anyone would be so cruel to a tiny little precious treasure……. I am VERY happy that Coco is getting the care she needs!!!

    In the past, I have tried to adopt dogs and cats through Rescue Dogs Rock NYC but I am GUD (“geographically undesirable”)😢😢😢 ALL are welcome to join our family……… My family loves these precious little treasures (chihuahuas are adorable and fantastic companions)…….. My mother in law would absolutely love Coco!!!

  3. Poor owner is probably rolling in her grave with what her irresponsible children have done. I would come back and haunt them until the day they go to Hades. Poor little dog shouldn’t have been thrown out like yesterday’s trash. They could have spent some time and found a loving home for her. Kudos to Rescue Dogs Rock NYC, again they are true heroes.


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