Update: Roxy who wore her tattered pink sweater when she was dumped

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Remember Roxy? She had been dropped off at a Texas kill shelter with gauze wrapped around her neck and still wearing the tattered pink sweater someone must have dressed her in so long ago. According to the person who found her, Roxy had been a stray on the streets of Mexico, and he just couldn’t leave her; so he wrapped her neck to stop the bleeding, put her in the back of his pickup truck and brought her to the Texas shelter.

Poor Roxy could barely see – her eyelid Entropion had been so painful and infected, her skin bleeding so raw and infected and had not Rescue Dogs Rock NYC quickly made the decision to save her life, only the memory of the sweet, neglected dog would have been left three weeks later.

No one knows how long Roxy scavenged for food just to survive. No one knows how long she suffered, and certainly the man who found her had no idea the shelter would have euthanized her immediately. He thought he was helping.

But here she is – just a few weeks later; a life worth saving as Roxy shows her appreciation to every person she meets. She is affectionate, well-behaved, loves children and gets along with other dogs. She still needs eye surgery, but her skin is slowly healing and her coat is growing back.

She will be ready soon to transport to New York and rescuers want a home waiting to either foster or adopt. Can you help?
Apply here:

Read Roxy’s story when she was rescued.

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Recently in the Pet Rescue Report: German shepherd shot in the face for barking




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  1. People in Mexico have no regard for animals. Cockfights and bullfighting just to mention, just another shithole nation. Build the “Wall”. I will gladly pay….!

  2. She looks so very desperate for A KINS & Gentle Voice and Touch… it is SIMPLY heartbreaking… I can fully UNDERSTAND why the person who found her couldn’t just walk off and leave her…. HOW has OUR COUNTRY BECOME so Callus as the THIS JUST being A COMMON THING!!! OMG

  3. And as par for the course, Roxy would have been murdered in a heartbeat in one of those miserable excuses for a shelter in Texas – but thanks to Rescue Dogs Rock NYC she has been given the help she so desperately needed and now needs the safe loving home she never had – PLEASE some kind person step up and give her the safe loving home she deserves – you will never regret it this decision.


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