Husky who killed 27 animals over Memorial Day will not be euthanized

Husky impounded after killing spree
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In Teoele, Utah,  police decided on Tuesday that a four-year-old husky named Nikita will not be euthanized. The dog escaped from her home over the Memorial Day weekend and killed 27 animals at a nearby home and petting zoo.

According to FoxNews, the husky killed chickens, rabbits, a turkey and a specially trained goose. The animals belonged to a charity petting zoo for disabled children. The dog’s owner, Mackenzie Morton stated when she found out Nikita had escaped from her home, she tried searching for her dog, but it was too dark, and left the door open for her dog to return home.

“The dog was deemed ‘Potentially Dangerous’ in Tooele City,” stated Tooele City Police Sergeant Jeremy Hansen.

The terms of Nikita’s release include the husky being banned from Tooele City. In addition, Morton must purchase a liability insurance of $25,000 in personal injury, hire a professional trainer to deal with her behavioral issues and pay for the last three weeks of impound fees for the dog at the shelter. Nikita can be released to a rescue if the owner decides within the next five days.

Morton faces five misdemeanor charges for animal bite by another domestic animal and one charge for an animal at large. Prosecutors intend to pursue restitution.

Trip Kiss, who owns the petting zoo was relieved the dog wasn’t ordered to be euthanized. Fixing the damage and replacing the animals is expected to cost $1,350. Two Brahma chickens, a bunny and a three-week-old goat have been donated to the zoo.

fundraising account has been established set up.

Read the previous article here.

More news and updates on the National Pet Rescue Facebook page.

No jail time for SnapChat dog killers – read the story here.

No jail time for dog killers

Cafe denied guide dog water – read more about the disturbing allegation here.

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  1. That dog needs some serious behavorial training, too bad the owner didn’t do that before all this happened! I’m glad the dog is not going to be euthanized though, it is fixable. The owner should be made responsible and have to either replace all the animals or make a monetary donation equal to their value.

  2. It was pretty damn apparent when the owner upon finding her dog missing , and because of the dark, simply left the door open and went to bed!! Holy Shit!! to me that showed total ambivalence toward the well-being of her OWN CANINE! There was traffic on the highway, people who could capture and torture her pet, wild animals, and SHE GOES off to Bed!!! I hope she has the common sense to relinquish her dog to a Rescue for Husky’s and buy herself a Turtle to provide her companionship… because with her apparent “flippant ” disregard for her dog escaping and her not even reporting it, or being too worried about her beauty sleep This Person does not have the love, concern, dedication to be in a relationship with a Dog that is going to need extensive, aggressive, and long term therapy !!!

    • Thank you – I agree – this idiot owner is responsible for the destruction the dog caused. Their irresponsibility is what caused this to happen. Another deadbeat who has the brain power of a rock.

  3. It is a good thing the owner will not get her dog back. She should have gone out searching for her dog all night calling her name out until she found her. Maybe all this damage/killing of these petting animals could have been avoided not to mention the dog not being removed from her home and the petting animals still alive. Always try to find your animal if they get out. They could be injured and may be unable to move, so get out to find them, not go back to sleep.


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