Homeless man’s 4 stray dogs waited patiently at hospital door

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At a Brazilian hospital on Sunday, a homeless man’s four stray dogs waited patiently at the hospital door when their human came in seeking treatment for a preexisting condition.

According to the heartwarming story posted on the social media page of Cris Mamprim, a nurse at the Hospital Regional Alto Vale in Rio do Sul, the homeless man named Cesar entered the hospital at 3:00 a.m. As the man was receiving treatment, Mamprim and other hospital personnel noted the group of dogs waiting at the door and peering in looking for their human.

On her Facebook page, Mamprim shared, that at times Cesar told her he didn’t eat because his dogs needed food.

“A simple person, without luxury, who depends on help to overcome the hunger, the cold, the pain, the evils of the world, has by his side the best companions, and the exchange is reciprocal,” Cris wrote. “Seeing them like this, waiting at the door, just shows how well they are cared for and loved.”

The dogs continued to wait for their human. The awesome hospital staff invited all of the dogs inside to share a meal with Cesar.

“Cris Mamprim  Mariana Harada yes friend… and I couldn’t resist…. they are beautiful, and an education. Like someone told them “don’t between” haha. They wanting to come in and the owner wanting to leave to stand on their side…. eh much love. Heeheheh…. MISS YOU GUYS TBM…. kisses.”

“I’m happy for the repercussion that had the photo of the faithful friends waiting for their owner in that I didn’t expect so much, because for me, that’s normal, complicity and respect between humans and animals. Too bad there are still very bad people, like the function. From Carrefour, the guy who killed with an arrow in ituporanga, among other cases that do not reach the media. There are so many msgs that I couldn’t even answer, but this shows me that the number of good people in the world is great, and I hope that one day it will The world needs more respect and love. “(Translations)

Angels do exist.

(Photos of 4 stray dogs via Facebook, Screenshot via Amigo Fieis)

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  1. Yes, I suppose it is heartwarming to a certain extent. But this family needs help. The man needs a home and so too do the dogies. Isn’t there some organisation out there in Brazil that can help? Can’t they start a GOFUNDME, to get this man and his loving companions a home?

  2. A very wonderful story about the love dogs show for their mommies and daddies. I hope some organization helps this man and his dogs. I will wish for that every day. The man is an inspiration and his dogs are so precious.

  3. OMG!!!!! What a Heart Wrenching Photo >>> I am in total agreement that These little loving and dedicated animals and Their devoted Caretaker NEED HELP!!!!! Shelter and Food at the very Least>>> I hope an organization over in Brazil will go to The Point of assisting they at least stay warm, dry, and some nutrition….

  4. This is a wonderful story about this man and his love for his dogs. Hope that more is done for him and that someone will be able to help in securing a home for this man and his dogs. This is what true love for a dog is and well as these dogs devotion to their owner. Please let us know if this man can secure a home together with his 4 dogs and live a happy life.


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