Shih Tzu found dead with his face and legs bound with electrical tape

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Heartbreaking photos of a  small Shih Tzu found dead with its face and feet bound with electrical tape has led to an animal cruelty investigation ordered by the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office in Vienna Township, Michigan. On Sunday, Genesee County Sheriff Robert Pickell posted two photos on his Facebook page of the tiny dog whose body was discovered earlier in the week.

According to the sheriff, the dog’s body was found near the South Creek Mobile Park.

“My office is actively investigating this case. It is imperative the individual responsible for this gruesome act is caught and not allowed to do this to another defenseless animal. This is truly one of the most disturbing cases I have seen in my years of law enforcement,” the sheriff stated.Genessee county sheriff's office2

A motorist traveling along Frances and Saginaw Roads found the dog. It is unknown how long the dog had been dead.

On February 7, Sheriff Pickell posted photos of two malnourished dogs discovered on Flint’s northern side. The dogs had been beaten and abused by a man using a metal pipe. On arrival at the home, deputies observed one dog chained to a tree, living in an un-insulated dog house. Another dog had been living inside a broken down vehicle. Both dogs appeared to have severe trauma to both sides of their face, and were at least ten pounds underweight. They were taken immediately to be treated for their injuries. Their photos led to the arrest of Lavelle Gullette, 52, who through a plea deal, was able to plead no contest to reduced charges; he was sentenced to pay a $375 fine.

The sheriff continues to advocate for stronger punishments for animal abusers and encourages citizens to contact their elected representatives. Anyone who has information about the horrible death of the Shih Tzu is asked to contact Detective Sgt. Jason Murphy at the Genesee County Sheriff’s Office at 810.686.8622.

(Photos of Shih Tzu found dead courtesy of Sheriff Robert Pickell Facebook.)

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  1. Right now I feel an uncontrollable rage toward the beast who did this. The thing deserves nothing short of ‘an eye for an eye’ justice. No mercy. I hope it’s found and punished SOON.

  2. What the hell is wrong with people?? To do something so cruel to this poor little dog? And to Lavelle Gullette, it takes a real big man to beat a dog with a pipe….you’re nothing but a punk. A lowlife POS. Karma x1000 to you and whoever did this to the little Shih Tzu. Hope you rot in hell

  3. What the hell is wrong with people!!! That picture is disgusting and sad, horrible the pain that loving dog went through. PLEASE DO FINGERPRINTS!!!!!

  4. I can see in this photo what a shit life this poor dog had neglected, matted hair, and it disgusts me to think the rest of the crap this dog went through. All I wish is somebody would tape the bastards mouth and limbs and set them on fire. What rotten unhumans can think of wanting to harm an animal. Wishing cancer on them with a long slow painful death

  5. J’espère que ce bâtard sera trouvé et qu’on lui fera subir les mêmes souffrances jusqu’à ce qu’il meurt. II ne mérite pas de vivre, c’est un assassin, un parasite pour la société.
    Sois libre maintenant belle âme.

  6. A $375 fine? The bastard should have had his head bashed in. That punishment is the only punishment that would fit the crime. He will just do it again and again.

    • Absolutely the asshole will do it again. WTF is wrong with these judges? Animal cruelty and neglect is a felony, but, yet these pos judges refuse to charge them as felons.

    • For $375.00 I will take that bastard and stick his useless ass thru a wood chipper – these friggin’ judges who allow animal abusers to continue their cruelty should be taken off the bench – this judge allowed Lavelle Gullette to go on and abuse more animals which as you said, he will do.

  7. What the hell do we have to do to get the proper authorities to look into these terrible cases??? This is despicable!! These rotten people should be tied with electrical tape and left for just a few days, show them how it feels. Then throw them in jail for a very long time, with other abusers.

  8. The thing or things who abuse torture and kill animals are human garbage! This little dog and the other dogs they were able to save got no justice! No animal will ever receive justice until the lawmakers finally realize that animals are worth so much to those of us who love them rescue them and fight for them! Until prosecutors and judges realize let’s make a deal isn’t acceptable! Until laws are rewritten making it clear that they aren’t just a worthless bag of bones or pile of feathers! The laws need to catch up and until that day happens no animal will ever truly receive justice!

  9. SMH…… absolutely heartbreaking……. how anyone could be so cruel to a helpless, precious furbaby is beyond my ability to comprehend……

    I hope the POS who did this is caught and (ideally) is locked up forever with animal lovers who can punish him far more effectively than our current (pathetic) criminal justice system…..

    RIP precious furbaby. Very sorry you were cruelly treated by POS humans…… other humans are VERY upset over what happened to you and want justice for you……

  10. Thats pityful. Only 375.00 fine for his abuse to animals??? Almighty GOD Himself gave man the earth and animals to rule over. Not mistreat the earth and animals. Lord Have Mercy upon predators, child abusers, abusive men and women, rapists and killers and people who abuse the elderly and animals, in Your Most Beautiful, Most Powerful and Most Saving SON, KING JESUS MIGHTY AND WORTHY NAME. Amen

    Rest-in-peace, precious little Shih Tzu: I pray those responsible will be caught AND PUNISHED THIS TIME!
    WTFU, Michigan!!!

  12. Someone KNOWS who owned this dog – I urge the police to go thru that trailer park with a fine tooth comb. There is no need to use any judicial system – we are all well aware of these judges who treat animal abuse like littering – just take the bastard out into a field and use a lead pipe until they were nothing but blood and guts – THAT would be justice for a little dog who could not defend itself.

  13. I fail to see how someone could hurt an animal, and I hope they catch this person, and offer a reward, for he needs to be caught and fined more than the guy that used a pipe. What kind of Government does that town have that would allow this to go on without someone being charged with a felony and 10 years at least its called MURDER

  14. A small fine of $375 is not enough for the horrific torture and death of an innocent dog….. 10 years jail time minimum. This person is dangerousThis to the public.


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