Man repeatedly abuses dog because it can’t write alphabet

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A viral video believed to have been filmed in India shows a man repeatedly abusing a helpless dog because it can’t write the alphabet. According to the IBTimes, the 30-second clip has prompted animal protective organizations to search for the man and bring the abuser to justice.

The video shows the man holding a pen in the frightened dog’s paw and reciting the alphabet “ABCD’  while moving the dog’s paw to write out the letters on a piece of paper in front of them. When the dog has no idea what the man wants him to do and fails to obey the command, the man strikes the dog hard on its face. The film shows the man hitting the dog 11 times. The dog does open his mouth and bares its teeth, but that doesn’t stop the man from slapping the dog’s face again and again.

When the video was shared on social media, irate citizens demanded the video be removed. Now everyone is hoping someone will recognize the creep and use the video as evidence to bring animal cruelty charges against the man. Comments such as the following continue to be posted:

“I really want to know Who is this guy hitting the dog… this is a horrible video.”

“I hope he gets flogged like a slave someday,” another person wrote.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) hopes the man can be identified and punished. The RSPCA applauds people for stepping forward and turning in these kind of videos to help stop such horrible cruelty.

Anyone concerned about animal cruelty should call their local police. Be the voice for those who cannot speak for themselves.

(Photo via freezeshot from video)

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    • O yes Theresa, this hunk of sewer sludge deserves to choke on his own hands – I can think of one other appendage that should be cut off and jammed down his throat.

  1. Find this scum and cut his fingers off and give him a pen to write with! He needs to be away from any and all animals and people. India, land of abusive owners.

  2. Heartbreaking and Despicable! Please investigate and locate this evil monster! The poor innocent dog is suffering extreme abuse, torture, and profound fear from this bully! This poor dog is living in a horrible and abnormal environment. Please, someone knows this sick-o creep, identify him to the authorities and turn this pathetic and ignorant abuser in! The painful physical abuse and agonizing emotional torture on this poor helpless dog must STOP! We must be the voice for defenseless animals. The poor dog is suffering agonizing pain and torment. This evil monster will eventually kill this innocent dog – PLEASE, If you know this sick-o bully, turn him in because this poor dog must be rescued from this evil monster soon – before it’s too late!!! ????????????????☹️????????????????????????????????


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