Louisiana man accused of shooting five puppies in the head

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Authorities in Washington Parish, Louisiana have accused a man of shooting five puppies in the head with a .22 rifle. On Wednesday, Shawn Glen Jones, 25, Dogwood Valley Road, Angie, was arrested and charged with five counts of cruelty to animals.

According to the Washington Parish Sheriff’s Office Facebook page, a concerned citizen contacted the Humane Society of Louisiana and reported five abandoned puppies left on the side of the road. The rescuer had left a blanket and food for the pups and had planned on returning for the puppies later in the day. When the rescuer arrived at the scene later in the day, the puppies were dead and had all been shot with a small caliber gun. The Washington Parish Sheriff’s Office began an investigation into the heartless killing of the innocent puppies.

Through a series of tips, Jones was found to have a female dog the same breed as the dead puppies, although when questioned, he stated he had given all of the puppies away, but was unable to identify that person. Later during more questioning, Jones admitted to abandoning the puppies, but denied shooting them. It was later discovered Jones had returned to his home after abandoning the puppies, picked up the rifle and returned to the location to kill the puppies.

“Our detective did an outstanding job in this matter. She worked diligently until she had sufficient evidence to arrest Shawn Jones,” stated Sheriff Randy Seal. “Once again, tips from concerned Washington Parish citizens helped us solve a crime. If any person has additional information about this crime, I encourage you to contact Detective Demi Rice at the Washington Parish Sheriff’s Office,” posted Sheriff Randy Seal. 

Rest in peace innocent little ones. (Photo of Louisiana man accused of shooting five puppies courtesy of WPSO). Jones remains in jail in lieu of a $15,000 bond.

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  1. Since I’ve very little trust in the judicial system, I hope karma will strike back. In any case, the monster shouldn’t be allowed to keep the mama dog. Aside of murdering the puppies, did he even care about what he did to their mother? May he rot in hell.

  2. RIP little puppies. Romp and play at the Rainbow Bridge until someone helps you cross it…and not the cruel man that took your precious lives. He will be going in the opposite direction when he dies. I hope Jones gets his dog spayed and taken away from him. I think neutering Jones is a good idea too!!!

  3. So incredibly sad. What a sick person. How can anyone do that to innocent little puppies. I hope he gets more than a slap on the wrist.

  4. This man needs to get a reality check! Put him in jail with a blanket! Then load a shotgun with blanks and shoot him ! 5 times! So he could taste a bit of those poor puppies had! RIP MY FURRY friends you will get justice! But at least you won’t be able to feel anymore pain!!????????

  5. Somehow I don’t think leaving 5 abandoned puppies with a blanket and food is the prudent thing to do. What was to stop them from wandering away, or into the road. Then there is the fact the POS that left them there in the first place went home and got a rifle and killed them all. Oh please, there has to be some justice for these innocent little puppies. That Lying POS Shawn Jones needs to be put away for this! He is a menace and a blatant killer, why didn’t he just leave them there and forget about them, they might still be alive!

  6. I heard alot about dog wood valley rd nothing but drugs and crazy people its a trailer park I know and the person who owns there trailers I got told owns alot more and does not have any inspections from what I got told and there not liveable

  7. I want every citizen in Louisiana to put his sorry a=== in jail. I want this piece of sh== behind bars for a very long time. This sh==head is a danger to society! Make it happen!

  8. Sorry little ones, that this evil human had to kill you. Run free in Rainbow Bridge where you will be loved and care for. I hope this piece of shit has nightmares for the rest of his misable life.

  9. Why did the rescuer leave the puppies there in the first place? If they had a blanket and no box or crate, put the puppies in a blanket and tie the four corners to something in the car to contain them, and take them. So sad, poor babies.

  10. RIP sweet babies. He better not get a slap on the wrist. Laws are still too lenient with animal abusers and murderers. Karma please be swift in dealing with this psycho. If he can do this to poor little puppies, he can do it to anyone.

  11. I truly hope that this maggot named Shawn Glen Jones gets his just punishment in jail – that his punk white ass is gang banged repeatedly on a daily basis, he is intimidated, shanked, beaten, and used as a bitch by every predatory inmate. He is a worthless hunk of stinking garbage.

  12. Justice demanded for those that can’t speak send a message that this is murder cold blooded and needs to be tried as such rest in peace so ashamed to be human animals need our help support them and keep them safe from all evil predators ????????????????????????????????????

  13. Redneck, white trash, scum! I truly hope someone who is an animal lover in that area will abduct him, tie him to a tree, & shoot him in the balls with a 22 rifle. After they have beaten him severely of course! Maybe then justice for those poor puppies will have been served!

  14. You heartless POS!!! Get your dog SPAYED, you ignorant, disgusting piece of trash! You should have taken those innocent babies to a SHELTER, slimeball, not killed them! If anyone deserved a bullet to the head it’s YOU, and I hope you get one soon!


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