Gaffney man wrapped puppy’s mouth in duct tape and posted on Snapchat

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In Gaffney, South Carolina, the Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office have arrested a man who wrapped his puppy’s mouth and leg in duct tape and then posted the animal cruelty photo on Snapchat. William Wendell Harpe III, 32, was arrested on April 3 after an investigation of alleged animal cruelty and has been charged with the ill treatment of animals and providing false information to authorities.

According to AZFamilyNews, Harpe told investigators he wrapped the puppy’s mouth and leg “to keep from getting bitten” while he removed staples from the dog’s ears. Harpe claimed the dog’s ears were cropped by a veterinarian, but was never able to verify his story no provide the name of the veterinarian. The Sheriff’s Office initiated the investigation in early March after they were shown a photo from the social media platform Snapchat.

In a subsequent interview with AZ Family, Harpe stated the tape was wrapped in such a way the first layer was not stuck to the dog. He also claims he has rescued many dogs and was confident all charges would be dropped.

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(Photos provided of puppy’s mouth in duct tape by Cherokee County Sheriff’s Office.)

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  1. William W. Harpe needs his fat mouth stapled shut and his ears cropped with a very dull kitchen knife. This maggot in no way should have any animal – he posts this cruelty online and expects to think this is OK? Besides being an animal abuser, he is a pretty dumb one –

  2. And why did the puppy’s ears need to be “cropped”? Had a veterinarian done the cropping, the veterinarian would have taken the staples out. I truly hope this POS is NOT rescuing dogs if this is the way he is treating them!

  3. Why?? Why do this?? I’m disgusted by what I read. Tape his mouth shut and wrap the tape around his head so when the tape is pulled off his hair is also pulled off. Pig!!!

  4. Wat a scumbag then he think cus he rescue dogs before HeS gonna get away with it , u r a discusting human being,u dnt deserve to be alive…evil ????????????????????piece of????????????

  5. He needs his mouth stapled shut his feet bound together and his ears crop which I don’t believe any animals should have done ????the abuser better go to prison he’s a jerk!!!

  6. What trash, this idiot tortures a puppy? A puppy, posts it, gets caught, lies about it and says he saves animals? Please, he’s another fucking animal abuser period and he needs to be held accountable, I wish I could be the jury and judge on these cases. No Mercy, NONE!!

  7. So here you have a big grown up man who lies to authorities, not letting the vet remove the staples from the pups ears, posts it on Snapchap and thinks he’ll get away with it. You sir have no shame and I’d like to set that beard of yours on fire and post it…!

  8. Maybe you should all read more than one very biased and incorrect story before you decide that someone needs to be tortured. There was nothing in the story saying how the dogs ears were cropped, especially not saying that he did it with a dull kitchen knife. He also didn’t staple the dog. He was removing the Staples, which is common practice to use for stitches, so the dogs ears wouldn’t get infected like any good dog owner would. The tape wasn’t sticky side down either it was no different from putting a muzzle on the dog. If he hadn’t taken the staples out, it would’ve gotten infected- would you have preferred that? There’s also a picture of the dog immediately after this and the dog is happy and fine. Just goes to show you how easily out of context pictures can fool people like you into spewing pure hatred. I don’t even know the kid but I’m smart enough to see that this is a very one sided news story. Don’t believe everything you read on the Internet, kids. I’m not saying what he did was right or that he shouldn’t get in trouble for any wrongdoing. All I’m saying is don’t jump to conclusions so fast when you don’t have the full story. Don’t let media manipulate you like that. Y’all should be ashamed of yourselves. You don’t know anything about what happened. Stop assuming you do.

    • You don’t know the “kid”? this is a 32 year old man. What more do we need to know about this story to know what he did was NOT right. I don’t see why a dogs ears need to be mutilated like this in the first place and had a veterinarian done the job then it is their job to take the staples out. Also if he is into “rescuing” dogs why hasn’t he got a muzzle for this sort of thing, I have them for my dogs they cost about $6.00 and can be bought at any Tractor Supply. So no media has manipulated me into thinking this “kid” is a POS that doesn’t need to be “rescuing” dogs. What is he rescuing them for the fight ring?

      • By the way, the picture of the dog “immediately” after? Can you honestly say those ears look good?

    • It states he had a vet crop the ears and no one accused him of doing it with a dull kitchen knife. Perhaps you should re-read the article and people’s comments! Then why didn’t he go to the vet that performed the surgery to have the staples removed? Maybe because there was no vet? He wouldn’t provide the name which is suspicious.

    • Perhaps you should re-read the article and people’s comments. He had a vet crop the ears and no said he used a dull kitchen knife. Why didn’t he bring the dog to the vet to have the staples removed? He wouldn’t provide the vet’s name. Suspicious.

    • If you read correctly he stated the vet cropped the ears and no one accused him of using a kitchen knife. Why did he not bring the dog to that vet to remove the staples? He wouldn’t tell who the vet was. Suspicious wouldn’t you say. How funny you are quick to criticize us. Re-read the article and people’s comments you moron!

      • All this hatred and none of you have the full story? Lucie, I don’t entirely agree with you in that I don’t think he’s completely innocent but yes this is a biased story and this thread is full of very rage filled angry people who are thinking irrationally. Everyone just needs to calm down and stop jumping to conclusions. I hope this man gets what he deserves- be it good or bad.

  9. I don’t care what some of you are saying “don’t believe what you read” the picture of the dog says it all!!!!!! why wrap the puppy mouth with duct tape and even posted. That is so ignorant of this guy. Scary he rescues dogs.

  10. This man is a psychopath. The dogs ears look like they’ve been hacked, no vet would do that. This POS taped the dogs nose/mouth & his feet. I say hack this POS ears off & tape up his nose/mouth, hands & feet. Laws have gotta become more realistic for these scumbags, ie 15 yr minimum with no parole & 2nd offence 35 yr minimum plus give every cent they earn in prison to the Rescue and Vets.

  11. Glad the POS was arrested but, we are far from laws strong enough to deter future occurences!! Abuse registry a must, and banned from the “privilege” not the “right” of having another pet would be a start!!! Animals are sentient beings and need to be classified as such!!

  12. It doesn’t look like the tape is tight on the dogs muzzle. So, if the charges are dropped, he needs to be charged with “stupidity” for posting to snapchat. Did he not realize real animal lovers were not going to like his methods?

    • From what I’ve read of other articles, he wasn’t the one to post it. A friend of his did without his initial knowledge

  13. What sick,vicious,cruel ASSHOLE!! He is arrested so that only means more money for the courts with the fine he will get and NO PUNISHMENT for the abuser! He has done this in the past and he will do it again in the future,WHY? BECAUSE HE WILL NOT BE PUNISHED AND HE KNOWS IT!!!!!


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