Emaciated dog found in city dog pound’s holding ‘shed’

Dog pound's holding shed
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A disturbing situation has been revealed at a dog pound in Jackson, Louisiana. On Wednesday morning, the Humane Society of Louisiana posted photos of the Jackson dog pound’s holding shed, and an emaciated dog who was found inside.

The words which accompany the photos detail the the dog pound’s dismal holding shed:

Breaking news out of the Town of Jackson, Louisiana (East Feliciana) – please look at the photo of the Jackson ‘dog pound.’ It is a windowless shed located on the edge of town. Dogs found at large are housed in this shed until they are somehow adopted (most citizens do not know of its existence) or euthanized.

Emaciated dog found in dog pound's shed

Additional details were released about a dog who had been picked up and held in the dog pound’s shed:

Next, please take a look at a family pet, Murdock, a 9 year old Weimaraner, who was locked in this shed for several weeks by the local animal control officer. Upon his release , he was rushed to a nearby veterinary clinic. A medical exam showed that poor Murdock was severely underweight, 12% dehydrated, suffered from hookworms and roundworms and scored a 3 out of a 10 body condition scale.

The Humane Society shelter stated, “This facility violates the Louisiana animal cruelty statutes and dozens of state codes for animal shelter operations.” And request for concerned animal lovers to take action:

Please call Mayor Charles Coleman and demand that he close this shelter, replace it with one that conforms to humane standards and pay the medical bills incurred by the family who owns Murdock. His number is 225-634-7777

(Images via Humane Society of Louisiana’s FB page)

(Note – according to the Humane Society, the dog in this photo was returned to his owner)

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    • What a disgusting uneducated bastard. Dogs were better off running the streets,at least they could beg or hunt for food. Responsible person or people who are irresponsible honestly should be held in a cell with nothing but a cold concrete floor. No windows for sunshine. No food no water no attention. Check on them in a couple months to see if their remains need to be removed. Rotten sccum of the earth worthless pieces of shit. I’m sure there was more then 1 reject that was aware of this neglect. Abuse. If I was in charge of animal rights, you would have some pretty stiff laws to follow and they would be so tough you would never even think about abusing any animal. Ya’ll no how people just seem to dissapear.? No need to look for those that have abused animals, they would be taken care of not to ever abuse again.

  1. Horrific vile disgusting for a shelter to abuse a dog like this! Shut this shelter down. Person responsible for the running of this shelter should be arrested for neglect and abuse and fired. Never allowed to work with animals EVER!

  2. This is not acceptable. Clearly it is an indication of cold hearted apathy on many levels. Very likely from the top down. I have called and encourage everyone to do so immediately. It only takes a mi ute to leave your message.

  3. When I saw the headlines, I thought someone had dropped off their unwanted dog and the shelter didn’t know the dog was there. How wrong I was! What kind of a shelter does this? They are disgusting and need to be shut down! These poor people were looking for their lost dog they would never know to look there! Prayers for Murdock, I hope the shelter is made to pay the vet bills, there is no excuse for this!

  4. I can’t believe that we actually have to call someone to have this place closed down!!! They should have demolished it right then and there. This is horrible!!!

  5. Any animal abuse in this town does not surprise me. Especially when a town constable Clifton W, Morris trapped cats and baby kittens and “hauled them off” to starve to death.

  6. Mayor Charles Coleman! Si vous etes un homme avec une ame, vous allerz fermer cette maison d’enfer et amener les salauds qui l’ont invente pour faire ces souffrances incroyables! Please, if you are someone who has faith in God and believes He is our Creator, you will agree that all sentient beings are HIS too and must be cared for, not tortured, abused or tormented! Please Mayor Coleman, be wise and merciful towards the weaker creatures!

  7. can’t believe that we actually have to call someone to have this place closed down!!! They should have demolished it right then and there.Where are the funds for taking care of these animals gone. This is horrible!!! AND Mr. Mayor stop hiding …THIS IS why I believe we should have STRONGER ENFORCED laws for animal abusers along with a registry!!! Murderers waiting to happen!! THIS from those in charge of C A R I N G for animals OMG! HOW CRUEL!!!

  8. ????Sick, sad and sadistic! They put dogs in there , forget about them and no one knows they’re there ! They’re just as bad as the lowlifes that abuse, neglect and abandon them ! This needs to stop NOW! Anyone that does, or allows, this should be subjected to the same treatment with their hands and feet tied and mouths taped ! That’s exactly the way these dogs felt ! Helpless and haunted by loneliness and darkness with no help , no say and no way out! Living in agony! ????❤????

  9. Evil bastards need to be held accountable for this poor puppy locked in a building! It’s time that we start changing laws..and guess who abuses them……! The law!!!!!!!!…lets lock them up!!!!!!

  10. put them in this terrible shed – – – – – -can’t believe this can go on – – – -STUPID WORTHLESS IDIOTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS NEEDS TO BE STOPPED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. I made my call. The person at the mayor’s office said they are getting a lot of calls. Keep it up everyone. It only takes a few minutes to politely voice your concerns. They need to know that the world is watching and that we care.

    • I called the Mayor’s office, spoke to a woman who told me the place has windows in back (notice outlines) which are opened daily, the front not shown has open pens for animals! The emaciated dog pictured went someplace safe, but that’s all she gave me!! She said was stray, no owner!! She kept saying she couldn’t say more, so I don’t know what is the truth, gave her my name and #.. She did claim dogs were given fresh food and water, but said nothing about dogs being walked, felt better when she said the pic was.back of shelter. Hope others call and comment!!!!!

      • The so called “front” looks like it’s up against brush, and ;they ask for funds to help the family of Murdock pay for vet bills, I don’t know about the explanation they gave you, it doesn’t sound true to me. I do hope Murdock is safe.

      • I don’t know anymore than you do at this point. The Humane Society of Louisiana’s facebook page doesn’t say anymore than what this article says. I just hope Murdock is safe and they close this horrible place down..

      • Thank you for what you did on your behalf. I believe those involved are giving the half truth. Unless this shelter is closed down we won’t know for sure what was going in there. Poor animals. Pls keep us updated thanks!

    • Traci, is there any news if this shelter has been closed down? Was pressure put on them? Any updates? Poor love, I wonder where he is now, and if he has been adopted. His condition is totally unacceptable, those who left him like that should be held accountable.

  12. Why was there no water or food for the dog, seems the person operating the shelter or whatever hell hole you want to call it should be fired, obviously not doing his job or any other job so it appears!!!!!

  13. these fuckers have NO business being in the dog or animal control business..and the ONLY reason this poor dog is alive is because they were CAUGHT…before he died or they killed him..fucking ASSHOLES!!

  14. 3-5-17
    Jeff Dorson
    5 hours ago
    Breaking news from the Humane Society of Louisiana: inside the town of Jackson Animal Shelter. It is more appropriate to store tools and equipment at this primitive, substandard facility than live animals. This shelter violates dozens of statutes that govern the operations and structural requirements for public shelters that can be found under Title 3, Chapter 17, Part V. 3: 2461 (et al). The cage size is far from adequate. There is no quarantine area for sick, diseased or nursing mothers. No animals are ever seen or observed by an attending veterinarian. There is no hot water for disinfection or disease control and no regulatory oversight until now. We will soon propose that the town cease operations until they make necessary improvements that will conform with the existing statutes or build a new one that conforms to industry standards. We will also ask the local district attorney’s office to share with us their findings on the possible mistreatment of animals previously housed here. We will also share our reports and photos with the Louisiana Animal Welfare Commission and seek its support in making necessary improvements at this shelter Kindly cross post widely.

    As of 2-6-17 when I called to voice outrage and inquire about prosecution :

    The town of Jackson does not answer the phone, after numerous calls to that office.

    The DA office “has not received charges.” They “may go after dog OWNER to have the dog euthanized as it is ‘dangerous’ and “has bitten” people. This is why the dog was in the “pound”. ”

    The DA “may go after charges of abuse once the investigation is complete.”

    The Town of Jackson is not investigating allegation of abuse.

    “The Sherrifs Dept is investigating allegations is abuse in order to avoid any appearance of bias by the Town PD should they have done the investigation.”. (per DA Office)

    There was no answer when I called the Sherrifs Dept. even after numerous calls to that office.

    According to the DA Office felt “that if the dog had been put down in the first place, no allegations of abuse would have come to pass.”

    I did make note with the DA office that these are two separate issues and that since the abuse HAS OCCURRED that it should be addressed.

    “The Sherrifs Dept will have to send over to DA after investigation with their recommendations and the DA will decide from there whether to pursue.”

    225-634-7777 Mayor Charles Coleman
    Please call Mayor Charles Coleman and the DA Samuel C. D’Aquilla and demand that they :
    –close this shelter
    –replace it with one that conforms to humane standards
    –pay the medical bills incurred by the family who owns Murdock
    –see that all animal control employees are charged and prosecuted by
    the local DA with
    —all other applicable laws
    ask that they :
    —be required to pay out of pocket restitution for all monies
    spent on bringing back to health to be
    awarded to new and humane shelter
    —that he RECEIVE AND SERVE ALL jail time for those charges -NOT
    BREAKING MULTIPLE LAWS and to serve as an example to their
    community by full prosecution to all applicable broken laws.
    Mayor Charles Coleman
    District Attorney Samuel C. D’Aquilla —– these are his offices :
    (225) 634-2545 Jackson Satellite
    (225) 635-4612 West Feliciana Parish
    (225) 683-8563 East Feliciana Parish
    email [email protected]
    (225)-634-7777 Town of Jackson Police Dept
    (225)-683-8572. Sherrifs Dept.

    I just don’t get his logic.

    Let’s see, according to the DA office, the dog should have already been dead soooo, why prosecute for abuse? Hmmm.

    We’re there pending charges against the owner?

    Was there an order to euthanize?

    Had anyone pressed charges after having been allegedly bitten?

    And what does ANY OF THAT got to do with the City and it’s employees abusive an animal under their care?


    I saw.that there were over a thousand comments on one of the posts relating to this. If ever single person made calls, there’d be ACTION, no excuses.

    The “investigation” isn’t COMPLETED ??????



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