Hopeless mother of 9 puppies cried for someone to save their lives and help came just in time

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Cleveland, Texas so often has become a favorite area to abandon pets, and this dog’s heartbreaking plight was no different. The overheated German shepherd mother dog had come to take refuge on a woman’s patio. The homeowner had been feeding the dog, but she could no longer bring them into her home, and called out on social media for help.

The 95 degree temperatures accompanied by high humidity had exhausted the mother dog. There just wasn’t much hope. Her puppies cried; the mother dog panting so hard from the heat she could barely care for her puppies.

 there are 9 puppies and mom temperatures are very high they will die of heat stroke LISTEN TO HOW THE POOR PUPPIES CRY. MOM IS VERY TIRED EXHAUSTED WITH VERY HEAT IT SEEMS SHE IS ABOUT TO GIVE HER A HEAT STROKE. this poor mom her puppies need urgent help please someone can open the doors of their house and heart for them. help. save their lives and they don’t die forgotten in this hell!   LOOKING FOR A TRUSTED AND FOSTER RESCUE PLEASE SHARE

Facebook video by YARY ANIMALISTA

Check out the video:


Foster mom, Zully Vqz Ventura miraculously stepped up to help. Check out one of the rescue videos and how reaching out to friends, family and social media save so many lives.


Donations should be directed to Peppy Pet Rescue. Please honor pledges.

And here’s mom:

TO DONATE GO AND CLICK HERE https://www.facebook.com/PeppyPetRescue. Funds are needed for their care and transportation.

Follow the National Pet Rescue on Facebook for the latest animal related news.

Puppy fun
Come on kids! Not safe!

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