Devastated family finds dog dead in boarding kennel run

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A family who entrusted their dogs to a pet boarding facility in Marana, Arizona, was devastated to find one of their dogs dead in a kennel run that had a water dish that was empty and no air-conditioning. According to multiple sources, the Nava family left their German shepherd mix, Ella, and another dog at the Buhrke’s Pet Resort facility, but Ella did not survive her stay.

Ella’s owner, Carla, made a social media post about her dog’s unexpected death at the “resort.”

Worst mistake of our lives: We dropped our dogs off at Buhrke’s Pet Resort off tangerine in Marana on Saturday, a lab mix and German Shepard. My husband went to go pick them up after work yesterday around 4:45. When he picked them up the young man had no idea where our dogs were so my husband went to go look for them and found them right where he left them at.

Describing how Ella was found:

When he walked in he found the German Shepherd and in the kennel next to her, Ella, our deceased lab. Ella was the only dog without direct “portable A/C” The pictures are really heartbreaking so I won’t put the actual dog, but I will post the zoomed in water bowl (in the comments). It looks so dried out and now I even question if any of those dogs got any attention this weekend.

As reported by KGUN 9 News, a necropsy of Ella’s body revealed that she died from heat exhaustion.

Since Ella’s death, Buhrke’s Pet Resort has lost its license to operate. The local animal control agency is investigating and has stated that more details will be released at the conclusion of their investigation.

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  1. I used to live in Marana AZ for 20 years and I wouldn’t leave a rattle snake with anyone to care for in Marana. If God was going to give the world a enema he’d put it in Marana. Smoky and the Bandit was filmed there as was Three Amigo’s and they had a hard time getting extra because people in Marana were either drunk or stones. I swear everything I’ve said about Marana is the truth and nothing but the truth.


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