Stray pup severely injured in raccoon attack fighting for her life

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A stray pup, seemingly bleeding to death outside of a family’s home in Crosby, Texas, is currently at a specialty veterinarian hospital fighting for her life. It was suspected she had been in a fight with a raccoon, and it is unknown how long she had been suffering.

The Good Samaritan who found the dog, now dubbed Sasha, rushed her to Vergi 24/7  who in turn referred her to a specialist because of the dog’s extensive tissue damage. She also suffers from a droopy eye indicating the possibility of nerve damage.

Sasha is now under the care of Gulf Coast Veterinary Specialists where she remains in critical condition. ThisIsHouston, the rescue group, who has stepped forward to help described Sasha’s injuries:

“Her wounds are a day or two old.
They’re already infected.
Concern of infection in her joints and bones.
Sasha is a senior with cataracts.
She has some masses on her, and one in her eye. She is emaciated.
She will possibly need several surgeries.”

In addition, Sasha suffers from lacerations on several parts of her body including her elbow, back leg, inner and outer and under her belly and neck. It can not be confirmed that a raccoon attacked Sasha, and at this time it is not known if the tissue on her head wound can be repaired. She is currently undergoing more extensive testing and frequent bandage changes until she is strong enough to undergo surgery.

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  1. How refreshing to see an GOOD person in Texas for a change. Most of these sadistic vile thugs in Texas would have taken a video of beating the already injured dog to DEATH while LAUGHING. May God bless this woman a 1,000 fold for a HIGHLY UNUSUAL (in Texas overall) act of compassion shown for an animal suffering. May SHE the face of WHAT ALL TEXANS ought to embrace. As things stand right now, I WOULD NOT DRIVE THROUGH TEXAS FOR ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY. PERIOD!


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