Puppy stolen from terminally ill child

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An eleven-week-old puppy, who was being trained as a “companion dog” for a terminally ill child, was stolen from her family’s home in Burlington, North Carolina. On August 8, the Burlington Police Department reached out to the public for help finding the stolen puppy:

On August 4, 2018, Burlington Officers responded to a breaking and entering of a residence; where an eleven week old American Bully puppy was stolen. This puppy was purchased and being trained as a companion dog for a five-year-old girl who is terminally ill.

What happened?

As reported by Fox News, the bully pup, named Annabella May, was at home alone while her family attended a birthday dinner. During the few hours she was at home without her family, someone broke into the residence and took her.

The puppy and the little girl

Annabella May has been a companion to five-year-old Zakaia Gray, who has terminal brain cancer. Zakaia’s mom, Shala, told the news agency, “It was a comfort for us to have a little puppy around.”

Information needed

Anyone with information concerning this investigation is encouraged to call the Burlington Police Department at (336)229-3500. For anonymous methods, call Alamance County-Wide Crimestoppers at (336)229-7100 or text 8398 to 274637 for the text-a-tip method, both with possible cash rewards.

(Stolen puppy via Police Department photo on Facebook)

Yesterday: Judge allows man caught on video abusing his dog to retain custody more here.

In other recent news – Mother bear and cubs killed by hunters – more here.

More news and updates on the National Animal News Facebook page.

Grieving orca finally releases her dead baby – more here.


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  1. If the person who broke into this family’s home and stole this pup doesn’t return the pup, I hope his so called friends turn him in. A 5 years old terminally ill child with brain cancer you steal from? Return the pup to a shelter and say you found the dog. Do something good for a change and help this poor family have a little peace. I do hope they have plastered this information all over their town and on the news and TV. Pray for the safe return of this pup for this young child.

  2. I’m sure the thieves didn’t know the backstory about this puppy but it needs to be shared everywhere so possibly they might see it, have a heart and return the puppy to the little girl. Even if they drop her off at a shelter, that would be better than just letting her loose.

  3. I hope and pray who ever took this child puppy has a heart and return her to the little girl. I also pray who ever took the puppy has no peace in their heart mind and soul with nightmares for the rest of their pathetic life.


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