Moronic apartment residents caught on video pulling bear cubs from a tree to take selfies

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In Asheville, North Carolina, the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission is investigating a group of nearby residents from the Berrington Village Apartments, who were caught on video pulling two bear cubs from a tree to take selfies Tuesday, April 16.

According to the agency’s press release,   the staff had been contacted by the Buncombe County Sheriff’s Department regarding a group of people at the apartment complex seen pulling two bear cubs from a tree and taking photos of themselves with the cubs. NCWRC staff arrived and were told both cubs had escaped after a cub bit one of the people. One of the cubs was found later in a retention pond and taken to a licensed cub rehabilitation facility. The other has not been located. 

The video shows four people pulling at the tree branch to grab the black bear cubs that had been perched over a fence separating the apartment complex’s property. One woman grabbed one of the cubs and held it under its belly while the woman screamed in delight. The group then started taking photos while the cub cried out in fright; one of the cubs fell to the ground and ran off. He then tried to climb the fence while the woman chased it. It has been reported the cub bit the woman.

An eyewitness who had been walking by the disturbing incident called for the residents to stop, but they wouldn’t listen. And she then recorded the incident in order to help the cubs and contacted the Buncombe County Sheriff’s Office who responded to the call.

One cub was captured:

The cub appeared to be lethargic and frightened. It looked to be favoring one of its front paws and was wet and shivering.  The cub is now being cared for by a licensed and experienced cub rehabilitator with the goal of releasing it back into the wild later this year. 

BearWise® Coordinator Ashley Hobbs

The enforcement staff have searched the area for the second cub but have not been able to locate it. The hope is it was able to reunite with the mother because it would not survive on its own at this young age.

NCWRC wildlife biologists advise that a bear cub seen alone is rarely orphaned or been abandoned. Often the mother bear is nearby foraging for food and will return in a few hours, or earlier. Remaining in the area or attempting to catch the cub could inadvertently separate it from its mother and possibly injure the cub.  

The public should contact NCWRC if they suspect they’ve encountered an orphaned bear cub. If you believe a cub has been orphaned, do not attempt to capture it. Instead, give the mother plenty of room and time to reconnect with her cub.

To avoid harming yourself or the bear cub: 

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  1. I see the “pro life” christians in name ONLY, are now attacking bear babies for THEIR ENTERTAINMENT. YOU ALL just can’t stop harassing and terrorizing innocents leading THEM TO PREMATURE DEATH. Just like the women who die from being REFUSED MEDICAL CARE because it happens to be an abortion. I guess you freaks are not only DOCTORS practicing without a license, now we can add wildlife specialists. GOD IS WATCHING ALL selfish THUGS!

  2. Totally disgusting behavior!!! Wtf is wrong with these individuals??? I understand that these babies were in a tree near an apartment complex but that doesn’t mean that they are existing for the entertainment of the apartment complex residents……. I was taught to be respectful of wildlife and leave them alone to be wildlife…….. “Take only snapshots and leave only footprints”……..


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