Owner of Great Dane support pup required to pay for row of seats on airline to fly pup across country

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Great Dane owner, Gabriel Bogner, 27, who had been on his way to move from Los Angeles to Brooklyn, brought lots of attention and smiles from passengers, as his five-year-old support dog named Darwin, became the center of attention. Yikes! We are talking about a 140 pound dog, and what’s not to like?

On a recent flight, passengers scored Darwin as a better behaved passenger than many adults. And because of Darwin’s size, he needed multiple seats to fit. This had been the dog’s first flight, and it was on American Airlines just in case you’re curious why you missed it at LaGuardia earlier last month.

According to the Metro, passengers at the airport, the crew on the plane and fellow passengers, just couldn’t hold back their smiles when they spotted Darwin. Bogner explained that Darwin was too big to fit in the airline’s largest travel crate, so instead his owner had to buy the entire row.

Check out the photo and you can see why!

Check out Darwin’s TikTok clip:


Who says Great Danes aren’t airplane dogs. Shoutout to @American Airlines for making our move to Brooklyn a piece of cake though! (Yes I bought 3 seats for us on the plane) #greatdane #dog #gay #fyp #tiktok #newyork #brooklyn #doggo

♬ Funny Background – Stefani
More than 17.9 million viewers have viewed the adorable video. And in this particular case, as dogs are not allowed on the seats of airlines, the attendants made a special effort to let Darwin do a bit of lounging on the seats because of his size.

Need we explain the “DANE ON A PLANE” chant from one TikTok user? Mostly everyone on social media had nice things to say about Darwin, however there were some comments about the dog’s lack of training as a service dog. Meanwhile Darwin accompanies his owner to the bathroom, and according to Bogner, helps him deal with his stomach illness of Crohn’s disease by providing warmth and pressure to his abdomen.

I got Darwin as a puppy and immediately registered her as an emotional support animal due to a lot of anxiety just from growning up basically in a hospital and a lot of the trauma from having a chronic illness.


And to explain further, Gabriel stated he had trained the dog himself, and that his physicians had previously decided the dog qualified as a service dog. Dogs are not required to go through professional training or wear an identification tag stating they are service dogs.

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Goat herding through the street.

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