Heartless woman wanted to toss tiny puppy into trash can but Good Samaritan saved her life

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On Saturday, a tiny puppy arrived at Stray Rescue of St. Louis. Her story could have met with a tragic ending, but a Good Samaritan intervened and saved her life. And even though her leg is broken, little Bridget has a strong will to survive.

According to the rescue organization, the puppy turned up in the Good Samaritan’s front yard, and she didn’t know how to help the tiny little one. Her neighbor came over to “help” and told her to put the puppy in the trash can. The woman who found the puppy was disgusted at that horrible suggestion and brought her to Stray Rescue of St. Louis instead; hoping someone could help her.

Check out this puppy’s video, and watch how she calms down with a little hugging and formula.


On Saturday night, one of the volunteers offered to take her home and bottle feed her. They named her Bridget von Hammersmark, and she made it through the night thanks to Jordan who stayed up with her, cuddled her and bottle fed her.

Tonight Bridget goes home with her foster family. What an angel she is.

And this is how every life matters and the pure dedication this rescue organization demonstrates day in and day out. Please help if you can. To donate, please click here.

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  1. OMG: I am praying for the other members of Bridget’s litter; that they find compassionate people who will take the time to care for them and get them the veterinary care they need (& deserve)…… life is precious & I can’t imagine dumping a live baby into a trash can or dumpster….. I think anyone who does this despicable act will burn forever in the hottest part of Hell…….


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