Video of Labrador retriever walking through airport like a pro goes viral

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Meet Magnus the therapy dog – a beautiful yellow Labrador retriever, who had been specially trained service dog able to help his owner with a severe seizure disorder. Magnus has been trained to perform deep pressure therapy to prevent seizures, and there is no doubt Magnus knows his place in his beloved owner’s life.

With thousands and thousands of passengers traveling through airports, and tempers too often erupting from frustration, we meet Magnus who appears to have all the confusion, noise and disruptions under quiet canine control. Fortunately Magnus made it through the security TSA line without a hitch.

The short video posted to TikTok which went viral immediately shows Magnus and his person at the TSA checkpoint. The man went through first as Magnus waited. Then his collar had to be removed to thwart the metal detector’s scrutiny when his owner called him to walk through the checkpoint. Done like a pro!

And there came Magnus actually sitting and staring up at his person as if to say – ” I did my job dad. Maybe have a treat for me?”

And so we leave Magnus with his dad knowing he was the best dog ever and more than likely behaved better than many humans at the airport.

Check out the video:

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