Baby zebra died at Disney’s Animal Kingdom after tragic accident

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In Lake Buena Vista, Florida, a baby zebra died at Walt Disney World’s Animal Kingdom on Thursday after she had been spooked by two ostriches and ran into the gate of the enclosure.

According to WftvNews, employees tried to save the zebra but were not able; a blue tarp draped at the scene kept guests from seeing the life saving efforts as they tended to the mortally wounded animal.

We are heartbroken over the loss of our Hartman’s mountain zebra that passed away yesterday, and we ask that you keep our dedicated animal care Cast Members in your thoughts.

Email sent out by Disney

Guests who had been at the park saw the baby zebra run full speed into one of the metal fences.

Last October, the park officials welcomed the arrival of the female Hartmann’s mountain zebra foal to the herd. An investigation has been ordered to make sure all protocols were followed and a tragedy like this could not happen again.

Rest in peace little one.

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