Topeka restaurant made a special order dinner with love after reading message it was for a dog’s last meal

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Julianna Lopez and her dog Boosie had a special bond growing up together, but as the 13-year-old Boston terrier’s health deteriorated, Lopez had to make that most difficult decision to end her dog’s suffering. Boosie had become extremely ill, and it was “time,” but Julianna wanted her beloved pal to have the perfect final meal before she had to say goodbye.

Boosie was Julianna’s first baby, and the adorable pup came into her life when she was a new student in high school after a recent transfer. The two became inseparable, and Boosie helped her mom overcome the many obstacles associated with being a teenager. The pooch and her human regularly slept together – sharing a pillow and through the years Boosie shared Julianna’s love with a human baby (now 6 1/2 years-old), Boosie’s mother named Lucy and three other dogs — Growler, Dozer and Carmela.

Last Thursday, according to CJOnline, Julianna had made a special order at the Topeka Longhorn Steakhouse for a 9-ounce filet and a sweet potato. When making the order, the young woman included a special note:

“This is my dog’s last meal. Please make it with love.”

Julianna Facebook

After reading the note, the restaurant staff became very emotional, and they went over and above for Boosie. When the meal was delivered, the staff had included a free whipped cream treat. They also added a note on the receipt:

Made with lots of love! Sorry for your loss. We put a sweet treat in there for them.”

Restaurant staff

The kind words and the added effort of heartwarming compassion gave Julianna and Boosie an extraordinary evening of love. The grateful owner turned to Facebook to thank everyone for the extra love.

“This was the most anyone has seen her eat for six months, and for that moment made us forget she was sick.”


At the end of the evening, Julianna took her special friend to Hoyt’s Kester Animal Clinic where the two said goodbye. And those last moments together – for all of us who have had to say goodbye to our beloved dogs know the words:

“I held her, thanked her for loving me when I needed her most, kissed the top of her head and she gave me those final kisses.”


Rest in peace Bossie. You will be missed, but you had a wonderful life.

(Photos; Facebook)

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