Black cats in Vietnam killed and sold as cure for Coronavirus

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Black cats in Vietnam are being killed and sold as a cure for Covid-19. The No to Dog Meat charity states black cats are being picked up, skinned and boiled into a paste and being sold in Hanoi and online as medicine to cure the virus.

According to the Daily Times, fake news had spread in the country claiming black cat paste could cure the virus. Disturbing images appeared on the Internet showing the cats being ground before being packed in containers to be sold. One photo showed a baby drinking the egregious mixture.

“People all over the world are understandably terrified of Covid-19, but this does not excuse the horrific cruelty that Vietnamese people are inflicting on these poor cats,” stated Julia de Cadenet, founder of the No to Dog Meat rescue group.

“There is no evidence whatsoever that eating cats cures coronavirus, and even if there was, this inhumane treatment is a level of cruelty that is unacceptable even for those who eat meat…”

The slaughter of live animals in the “wet markets” and the unsanitary conditions along with the uncontrolled consumption of eating wildlife has scientists and medical professionals worried about the global crisis affecting nearly every corner of the earth.

In Vietnam and Indonesia, eating dogs, cats and wildlife continues to be prevalent. Just last month, China banned eating wildlife and recognized dogs and cats as companion animals rather than food sources.

Follow the National Pet Rescue on Facebook for the latest animal related news.

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