Injured cat found frozen in a snowbank

Frozen cat found in snowbank
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An injured cat is lucky to be alive after nearly freezing to death in a Montana snowbank. Though things initially looked dire for the frozen kitty, help arrived just in time.

Earlier this week, the Animal Clinic of Kalispell shared photos of the cat and explained what happened:

Amazing success and survival story from this week. Some clients found their injured cat buried in snow. They brought her to us essentially frozen and unresponsive. Her temperature was very low but after many hours she recovered and is now completely normal. Fluffy is amazing.

According to Local 10 News, it was just 10 degrees outside when Fluffy was found, and her temperature was too low to register on a thermometer  – her survival is truly a miracle! Individuals who follow the animal clinic’s Facebook page have expressed shock and disbelief that she made it through the life-threatening ordeal.

One person wrote:

How was there no frostbite?! I’m so confused… God’s miracle kitty ♥️


Cats do have 9 lives. hope this one was her #!

Another expressed gratitude for the veterinary staff’s efforts:

You guys are terrific. Thank you for trying, and succeeding. Sleep well, you did a great service!!

Frozen cat saved

Fluffy was able to return to her home after being treated – incredible. Find the veterinary clinic which saved her life at this link to Facebook.

(Images of Fluffy via Animal Clinic of Kalispell/Facebook)

More news, updates, funny videos and memes on the National Animal News Facebook page.

Yesterday: Man arrested after dog froze to death in Indiana – more here.

More: A miraculous encounter – how a cardinal delivered comfort to a grieving family. More here.

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  1. What a wonderful story and that kitty really does have nine lives having survived this. How did he get outside to begin with? A story with a happy ending for all. Thanks to those who saved this kitty.

  2. Glad this furbaby was saved and is now home again!!! Really amazing survival story!!!

    Our cats have always been indoor cats BUT there is always some idiot who will be careless and leave a door open (it takes mere seconds for an escape)…… Once an escape happens, it’s very difficult to find the escapee…… it’s now frantically posting signs everywhere, leaving flyers at vet clinics, local humane societies, posting on the internet…… We have banned people from our home for their careless behaviors…… with NO regrets…….


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