Shelter staff rescues hopelessly tangled dog on a chain

chained dog hopeless tangled
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Less than a week ago, a no-kill animal shelter in Jerseyville, Illinois, had to come to the rescue of a dog who was hopelessly tangled in a chain. On March 23, the Riverbend Humane Society No-Kill Animal Shelter posted several images of the dog and updated Facebook followers about the troubling situation:

“Normally today we would be open to the public but unfortunately we will be Closed today 3/23/18 due to an emergency rescue of abandoned dogs. We are sorry for the inconvenience.”

Though the dog looked as if she might be terribly injured from hanging in the chain, she was rescued in time and has not suffered long-term damage. The animal shelter stated that five dogs were rescued from the property – few other details have been released.

Tangled dog after being freed

Long-term tethering or chaining of dogs can be dangerous for multiple reasons:

  • Dogs can become tangled, causing grievous injury or even death
  • Chained dogs are typically not well socialized and they can suffer from emotional trauma from being alone
  • Chained dogs are more likely to become aggressive and bite
  • Chained dogs usually bark out of boredom and frustration
  • Chained dogs are subject to weather extremes,
  • Chained dogs will often turn over any available source of food or water
  • Chained dogs are forced to live where they urinate and defecate

Dogs are not yard art!

(Images via Riverbend Humane Society No-Kill Animal Shelter FB page)

More news and updates at the National Animal News Facebook page

Florida man accused of drowning ducklings in a pool – read more here.

Man wanted for beating dog to death with glass bottles – read the story here.


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  1. Hope these pups get rehabilitated with love and kindness and all get adopted. Why put such a huge,heavy chain around a dogs neck. What do they think the dog will do,break the chain and run away? Those people who chain dogs for whatever reason, should loose their dogs and become foster animals so they can be in a home that cares about them.

  2. why get a dog only to chain it up. when I get a pup, I crate train it for a couple of months when I go out, then when I know I can leave it for a half hour or so in the house, the periods get longer so not only is the dog potty trained but ok in the house, also crate training can save a dog’s life in an emergency later on down the line. most folks are so dumb, but boy they can pump out kids all right. shame for the kids and animals.

  3. Dogs are meant to be our friends and companions. If you are only getting one to chain and leave outside……………..DO EVERYONE A FAVOR AND JUST DO NOT HAVE A DOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    They are NOT yard ornaments! Idiots….geez, why in the hell do you want one to chain and subject to weather?


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