Psychology professor listed the 19 least intelligent dogs

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A psychology professor from the University of British Columbia listed the 19 least intelligent dogs. Using data from Stanley Coren’s “The Intelligence of Dogs,” the breeds were sorted by their obedience intelligence out of 110 breeds.

As all dog parents know, training a dog as learning from humans is often the barometer of how intelligent our dogs are and how different breeds seem to learn. Just like children in a classroom, dogs can’t be stereotyped by their breed, however are there norms we correlate with the breeds of dogs we love so much?

How puppies learn – from house training and not to pee on the rug to learning to fetch or catch a frisbee all contributes to their trainability or as human’s label it – the intelligence of a dog. The breeds that are included in this list have been sorted by tiers – starting at “fair” and going down to “lowest degree of working.” They are also sorted by overall intelligence.

Obviously, none of this matters if you love your dog, and of course you have “bragging” rights. So share with us after watching the video and tell us just how amazing your best four-legged friend is no matter what the breed.

Check out the video:

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  1. More psychobabble from someone who thinks that a master’s degree is the end all and can determine a dog’s intelligence – he needs to go to common sense school – he missed that class. All it is sounds like blah, blah, blah.


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