Officials – skinned dog was not a victim of animal cruelty

Skinned dog not a victim of crime
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An investigation has revealed that a dog, found skinned and “mutilated,” in Thurston County, Washington, was not the victim of animal cruelty. As reported by the Seattle Times, the Thurston County Sheriff’s Office discovered that the dog had been a beloved pet and that the carcass was discarded improperly by a taxidermist.

The disturbing discovery

A couple stumbled across the dog’s body near the Nisqually River on Friday night. The dog had been skinned and it was missing its tail and paws. There was a great deal of initial concern because there has been a string of cat killings in the area and there was speculation that whoever is behind them may have moved on to dogs.

The reality

The investigation revealed that the deceased dog was a Bernese Mountain Dog who had been humanely euthanized and turned over to a taxidermist to be mounted. The taxidermist had improperly disposed of the body – however, the sheriff’s office is not pursuing charges because the individual is terminally ill.

Prior article about the discovery of the dog’s body here.

More news, updates, funny videos and memes on the National Animal News Facebook page.

Yesterday in the news: Man allegedly drowned dog because “Jehovah” told him to – more here.

In need:  Bonded dogs left homeless after tragic limousine accident in New York – more here.

Hilarious temper tantrum!


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  1. Glad there were no arrests and hope this taxidermist knows better the next time. Sad about the owner and hope he finds peace with what was done to his dog.


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