Kentucky neighborhood bans 11 large dog ‘aggressive breeds’

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One week ago a letter went out to residents of a Lexington subdivision informing them of a change in the existing dog restrictions previously referred to as banning unspecified “aggressive breeds.” The latest notice listed 11 dog breeds now restricted from the neighborhood.

Although existing dogs currently living in the subdivision are grandfathered in, the regulations would henceforth apply to any new dogs coming in through adoption or new residents moving in – either home buyers or those renting in the community. The banned breeds are German Shepherds, Rottweilers, Mastiffs, Doberman Pinschers, Pit Bulls (including American Staffordshire Terriers, American Pit Bull Terriers, Staffordshire Bull Terriers or any dogs containing characteristics of those breeds), Huskies, Alaskan Malamutes, Chows, Great Danes, St. Bernards and Akitas.
According to WtvqNews, the homeowners’ association did not have a vote on the restrictions. Josh McCurn, president of the McConnell’s Trace Homeowner’s Association stated the change comes from the developer Dennis Anderson. Anderson has since explained there were two sets of development restrictions inside McConnell’s Trace, old and new. Each  had different deed restrictions and this amendment now unifies the entire neighborhood’s deed restrictions.
Large dogs including the German shepherds are among the most dog breeds for Americans. Check out the list from the American Kennel Club here. A meeting between the homeowners and the developer is scheduled next month. The restrictions could affect property values as well as families who want to adopt or rescue pets in need.
(Photo of “aggressive breed” via FB Lexington Pit Crew)

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Animal lovers outraged over hunter’s photos of slaughtered wolves – read more here.

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  1. Kentucky should look at their state’s laws for animal abusers first and do something about that. They are in LAST place for the animal abuse laws! Don’t punish the dogs for the bad owners!

  2. As par for the course, the wrong species is being banned – this ban is not only stupid, it is biased. These animals are not the danger – the skank pack of HUMANS who train them to be aggressive, use them, then dump them to fend for themselves are the ones who deserve to be banned.

  3. This makes me ashamed to have been born in Kentucky. Boy stupidity runs deep there. They should pay more attention to the owners than the dogs. They only do what they are taught. There is NOTHING wrong with ANY of these dogs. People beware, don’t live in this community. It is infested with ignorance.

  4. What a bunch of BS (L). They left out Labrador Retrievers and Golden Retrievers, aren’t they big dogs that can bite? I would be selling my house and moving, nobody tells me what dog to own, especially if my dogs have never had any sort of incident. What a bunch of ignoramuses!

  5. So, poodles are it? Just about!
    EVERY SINGLE DOG BREED has the “capacity” to be mean or aggressive if they do not have good owners/guardians. Why don’t you just outlaw creeps!?!??!!? If a dog is mean….it is not their fault, they are not born MEAN. They are trained to be mean or become mean due to abusive behavior!

  6. What a crock of sh*t. Why aren’t Yorkies or other small dogs listed? Just because a dog is large, it’s aggressive??? That’s such BS.

  7. Since when are St. Bernards, Mastiffs and Great Danes considered “aggressive?” I guess they’ve never heard of “Gentle Giants” and their list is a big fat lie. They pretty much want to ban every large breed out there that is not a Lab. I have 11 dogs and not one of them would be allowed under that policy – I hope they get SUED and go broke because nobody wants to live there.


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