‘Shameful’ Woman who recorded woman’s crazed rant about service dog speaks out

Person who recorded rant calls excuse 'shameful'
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The woman who recorded a woman’s crazed rant about a man’s service dog inside of a restaurant in Delaware has spoken out, and she has stated that the woman’s claim of a reaction to racial slurs is “shameful.” According to TMZ, Sherra Stanley recorded Ciara Miller’s tirade and she is calling BS on Miller’s claim that her over-the-top reaction in Kathy’s Crab House was because of a racial slur that was made to her off camera.

Stanley told TMZ that not only were there no comments made about race, but she was sitting with her friend Bill, an Army National Guard veteran, and his service dog, “JP,” along with other friends and family who are from multiple races. In fact Bill’s own stepdad, who was at the same table, is black – Stanley said that the claim of a racial slur makes “no sense.”

Miller’s outrageous reaction to JP was recorded on video – in it, she said that she was leaving because the “food is nasty and there’s a dog.” She continued to scream about the dog being nasty and insisted that there should be a separate section for people who are accompanied by service dogs.

After Miller was the subject of nationwide backlash for her bizarre behavior, she came up with the “racial slur” explanation, which she felt justified her angry rant.



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  1. The thing that was most ridiculous about this video, is that this bitch expected people to care that she was disgusted by a service dog. Who the hell does she think she is? Eat someplace else and shut your skank mouth. Nobody gives a crap what disgusts you.

    • I absolutely agree with Donna Kelsey about the skank continuing to rant and make a fool of herself. All she had to do was leave and go somewhere else…..she’s lucky she wasn’t escorted or dragged out of the restaurant since she was intent on spewing her venom..what a hateful, miserable person she must be..

  2. people are way overboard in being offended. shut up miller. the dog has a right to be in a restaurant, he is serving his master who fought for America.

  3. She actually gave herself away when she was told Jp is a service dog for a veteran who needs him after serving his country, and her reaction was “WHO CARES? IT’S STILL NASTY!” This had nothing to do with race, obviously, and everything to do with a stupid bitch who hates dogs and didn’t appreciate giving any space to a veteran and his service dog. She could have left, moved tables, and been QUIET about it: instead, she chose to react like a POS and prove to everyone what a vile, selfish, a** she is.

    She didn’t like the heat, so she blamed it on race. Shame on her! There are many, many incidents of GENUINE racist incidents in this country every single day. This POS had no right to lie and put HER bad behavior into that category to give racists the “see, I told you so…” yet one more card to hold in the ‘they always pull the race card’ deck. Bitch.

  4. It is good she left She could have given that devoted Service Man’s Dog a case of LICE!!! What a rotten Lady of Color!!! I felt sorry for her companion!!! hope he stopped at the corner opened the door of his vehicle and got her out then went and fumigated himself!!

  5. Any of us who saw the video, knows she is just a “nasty” “mean” humanoid that thinks she is better than any one else. Nothing she could say explaind away her disgusting display. She acted like a crazed “bi**h” and she knows it! She sprung to the excuse that many jump to the “race card”. I don’t care what “race” she is, the color of her skin is irrelevant in her attack on another human being and his dog! I don’t believe her excuse and don’t care what excuse she tries to come up with to justify her tirade! There is NO excuse for her behavior and if indeed anyone did call her a name, she deserved it she is lucky that’s all she got!

  6. I am way past sick and tired of the “race” card and excuses…… as it happens now…. the ones screaming race… are the racist in fact!

  7. This woman only proved what a racist bitch SHE is – her piss poor explanation for her vile rant is laughable. Mr. Austin is responsible for her freedom and she should just shut her rude disgusting mouth and apologize to him and his dog for her total lack of manners – what hole was she brought up in?

  8. She’s the fucking nasty bitch looks like she hasn’t taken a bath in a week if she acts like that out in public she must be abusive to her husband behind closed doors I say she needs anger management
    Or medication


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