Physician in Texas accused of poisoning family’s dogs

Physician accused of poisoning dogs
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A prominent physician in Odessa, Texas, is facing charges for allegedly poisoning several dogs. According to Thursday’s CBS 7 News, Dr. Robert Kevin Lynch, 54, is facing felony charges in connection with the death of two dogs, and the poisoning sickness to a third dog – according to Odessa American, Dr. Lynch confessed to the crime when questioned by the authorities.screenshot-864

Investigators were led to Lynch as a suspect thanks to surveillance footage which the dogs’ owners obtained from neighbors. Dr. Lynch is accused of stuffing raw meat with several substances which are known to be toxic to dogs. One of the poisoned dogs died from kidney failure and the other suffered cardiac arrest. According to CBS 7, Lynch had previously complained that the targeted dogs barked too much.


Lynch, a general surgeon, is facing felony animal cruelty charges for the incidents, which took place in late December. The Odessa American reported that Lynch was jailed on Thursday on $22,500 bond.

(Photos via screenshot CBS 7 News and the Odessa American)


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    • Ya know what???? HES A SURGEON!! This had gone on for many many many months. Begging and pleading with this guy to make them stop. ALL NITE LONG THEY BARKED!! AGAIN,,( HE IS A SURGEON ) He’s in surgery I’m sure IN THE EARLY AM. They ALLLL ARE. Now!!!! How would YOU PEOPLE like it if HE was the Dr. That was gonna do MAJOR Surgery EARLY the next morning on one of YOUR LOVED ONES??????? and HE couldnt get MUCH SLEEP because of these dogs? ??? AGAIN THIS GUY COULD CARE LESS WHO DR. LYNCH WAS!!!!

      • NO HELEN, this PUTRID ASSHOLE IS NOT a PROFESSIONAL AT all …. WE all who work in the MEDICAL FIELD TAKE A OATH TO DO NO HARM!!!!! it is Called the HIPPOCRATICOATH OATH! There are legal ways to handle issues like he had NOT TO CAUSE a painful, horrific death for EVEN an ANIMAL…HE is NOT FIT TO PRACTICE… Because he is a surgeon YOU THINK he is BONIFIED to do this…. YOU are as SICK IN THE HEAD AS HE IS!!!

      • Makes A PERSON wonder what this so called Physician would DO if HE thought the Man her was doing heart surgery on may have the “HOT’s” for his Wife!!!! OH! OH! Holy Cow my scalpel “Accidently ” sliced his Aorta!!! I am so sorry he Didn’t make it… Accidents happen you know… THE psycho Physician States to the Board of Florida Medical Board!!!!

      • I suppose that’s HIS story and he’s sticking to it. I’m sure he was begging and pleading, More like I’m a surgeon and your nothing, so shut your dogs up. Did he turn the dogs into the authorities? Did he try any other recourse to stop the dogs barking if they indeed were being a nuisance? I personally don’t care how much or how little sleep this holier than thou Surgeon gets, I wouldn’t let him touch me or anyone I loved even if he were the last surgeon in the world! Killers don’t belong in the medical profession.

  1. He needs to be strippwd of his license. He took a oath to save lives human or not they have a brain a heart and soul and feel .I hope some one poisos him and fast

  2. You put that scumbag on 22500 Bell are you f****** kidding me is a general surgeon makes a f****** killing we need to get down there you take them for dogs and kill them or 3 whatever well they say it’s okay do it again will he lose his license you should put be put in prison with bubble take care of them you piece of s*** rest in peace guys I’m sorry you’re that scumbag take care of you it was a horrible death

    • Go FUCK yourself, Ed. They’re DOGS….that’s it. Fucking animals. It may have been wrong to kill them, but you can only take so much from barking dogs. I’d have done the EXACT same thing.

      • You comment that it’s wrong to kill them, but, yet you’d do the same? You wouldn’t call the authorities first? Hell I hope you don’t own any dogs……..heartless POS!

  3. I generally hate doctors, which I learned to do after my accident. I’ve run across too many like this one with no respect for their patients nor life in general (though I must admit I do like my own doctor, and I had a hell of a time finding him).

    There are always people who make comments like ‘the owners should leave their dogs inside so they wouldn’t bark’ on stories like this. I had a neighbor who complained even though my dog was an INDOOR dog who was let out with me for 5 -15 minutes at a pop, and only barked, for the most part, when she saw HIM. In fact, he often deliberately set her off just so he could complain, and tried to have her killed by his ACO friend.

    Their dogs might have been barking at a malevolent POS whom they saw as a clear and present danger to themselves and their family (that scumbag had also yelled at my son for climbing a tree in my yard bordering the fence). They would obviously have been right.

    If you are going to make one of those comments, please refrain. YOU do not know if the dogs were outdoors for extended times. YOU do not know that they weren’t barking at this scumbag who was clearly a threat to them and their family. In short, you only know that HE KILLED THEM. That should be enough.

    • What you say is true, We once had a neighbor who complained about our German Shepherd barking at all times of the night, (He was inside from 9pm to 7am and only let out at 7 am for a few minutes before I went to work. Every time someone’s dog barked anywhere in the neighborhood, he was at our door or phoning us complaining. My dog only barked at him once, at 9pm as he stood in his back yard a couple of houses away shining a flashlight at him and when he started barking he was brought inside quickly because I don’t like listening to my dogs bark either. This POS is probably one of those idiots, and I feel so bad for the people who lost their dogs in such a manner. They need to sue this POS Doctor and make him pay for what he has done. It won’t bring their precious dogs back but maybe he won’t be so quick to kill someone’s pet the next time! He certainly isn’t a doctor I would ever let treat me for anything!

  4. What part of “first, do no harm*” does this bastard NOT get???

    *from The History of Epidemics, which is part of the Hippocratic corpus:
    “And these two things in disease are particularly to be attended to, to do good, and not to do harm.”

    The entire community – AND the physicians board of licensing and review – should shun and revoke this cretin’s license to practice!

    Rest-in-peace, hapless companions…

  5. What in world is wrong with this guy ! And he is a Doctor? Oh my, I thought he pledge to save lifes . Hope he has no peace in his heart,soul and mine for the rest of his sorry life. Hope they take away your credentials as a Dr. Killing dogs now, humans next.

  6. This POS needs to have his license revoked. He needs to pay retribution and people need to boycott him if he doesn’t get his license revoked .Dont need to be seen by a cold, heartless monster like this. I would not want to have someone like him with my life on the table.

  7. I sure hope this monster has been suspended from the hospital he is affiliated with and his license will be revoked. It is unlikely he would be trusted to do surgery on anyone if he is that capable of killing innocent animals. A doctor’s creed is to “do no harm”.

  8. It is absolutely disgusting that ANYONE would poison a dog or any animal. That said, however, I don’t understand why people allow their dogs to continuously bark. I have two dogs and run a boarding service, and if one of my dogs barks incessantly I am out the door to find out why and to stop it. If I had this problem with a neighbor my lawyer would be involved, but I would NEVER resort to killing an animal.

  9. It is imperitive that this bastard have his medical licence revoved immediately.I would like to meet this ugly fat POS face to face to enact the required payback.Only the death penalty is appropriate for this vile bastard.

  10. I seriously HOPE THE TEXAS BOARD OF MEDICINE HAS BEEN NOTIFIED!!! This PHYSICIAN IS A MENTALLY ILL SICK SOB!!!! HE certainly should not be operating on HUMANS… What is someone Pissed him off owed him money or he just plain didn’t like them!!!! PRETTY EASY TO KILL SOMEONE OFTEN WITH UNDETCTABLE TYPES OF MEDICATIONS>>>>> He needs to be terminated from his position if convicted!!! He will get a HIGH PRICE LEGAL EAGLE and FIGH LIKE HELL to GET OFF THESE CHARGES!!! Maybe he could move across the boarder and practice!!!

  11. Let’s keep this real, people. Was it a mistake? Yes….but they were ANIMALS! None of you have a problem with poisoning rats or mice or snakes or opossum or anything else. Just because it’s a domesticated animal, you all lose your minds? This is a man that SAVES LIVES!! He made a horrible mistake, but let’s not go overboard and condemn him because he allegedly killed a couple of animals.

    • You are as bad as he is, He killed two family pets and sickened another. This goes beyond a horrible “mistake”, yes he is supposed to “SAVE” lives not kill his neighbor’s family pets because he thinks they bark too much! You have a problem with someone’s dogs you call the authorities and complain. Obviously your view of dogs doesn’t match the rest of our views so I would say that you are the animal, why are you even commenting on this page?

    • Your opinions are your own, but they are light years away from animal lovers’ opinions. Clearly you are NOT an animal lover. Please just go away……..

    • Two years of deferred adjudication probation, a $1,500 fine and restitution of $3,107.41.hardly screams “good enough” punishment for poisoning someone’s pets but I am with you too, It sounds like the guy had been complaining to these people about the “barking” dogs for several months and if he was coming over at 3:am to complain then they should have done something about the barking dogs. Since they didn’t Lynch should have made good his threat to call Animal Control and not take matters into his own hands by killing dogs that don’t know they are being a nuisance.


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