Officers follow trail of blood and discovered dog fighting operation in the woods

Dogfighting operation discovered in wooded area
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On November 14, animal control officers in Dinwiddie, Virginia, followed a trail of blood and made a chilling discovery in the woods near a rural road. According to WTVR News, dozens of dogs were found living on chains, in pens, boxes and cages in what officers are referring to as a “dog fighting pit.”

A total of 26 dogs, including 9 puppies, were seized from the property, along with dog fighting paraphernalia, including files, scales and chains. The local authorities have opened an investigation into the situation and details surrounding the case are not yet being released. As of now, now arrests in the alleged dog fighting operation have been made and the location of the dogs seized from the property hasn’t been disclosed.

A hearing to determine ownership of the dogs is scheduled for this coming Monday.

Earlier this month, a similar situation was found in a wooded area of Adams County, Mississippi. The authorities found 35-40 pit bulls chained in a wooded area; many of the dogs were maimed and had been left to suffer.

According to a publication by the Michigan State University College of Law, dog fighting is a Class 6 Felony in the state of Virginia.

(screenshot via WTVR News)

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  2. Good job. Now, please put these men/women away for a long time Have the dogs treated and give them a decent home. It is not the dogs fault.

  3. They can give these bastards some SERIOUS jail time for this, and they should. Of course, they can’t give them what they truly deserve: the exact same penalty they gave their INNOCENT VICTIMS—— a gruesome and painful death!!! Scum like this doesn’t deserve to breathe one more day

  4. I pray the police find every single person involved in dog fighting rings in Virginia and every other state in the US and abroad……these are sick & cruel people and have no conscious ….. they need to be shut down, the dogs rescued and loved, adopt into loving homes & not forced to live this terrible life……lock these people up for a very long time and never allowed to own a pet again.

  5. Police need to go after these scum that use these dogs to fight and put them in jail forever, not just a year or two. There is too much of this going on in our country and the animals, many of whom are born just to fight or get thrown away because they are too sweet. Diligent work by police and informants need to be done more to save these animals.

  6. Find the dirt bags and threw them in prison. Dog fighting is a barbaric blood sport that needs to be eradicated for society. The human trash who runs a dog ring operations is the scum of the earth and can not walk free among us.

  7. Dog fighting operations will never cease until the PUNISHMENT is worth a chance to these monsters. So………..30 years in prison and $50,000 when released AND a life time ban on ever owning or living in the same home as a pet.

    • We think alike, 30 years, no parole and $50,000 might not be enough. The lifetime ban is good but not enforceable unless there is a national abuse registry.

  8. These people can not get enough punishment for what they have done! Please save the dogs and I sincerely hope that all these people and all the people who attend these blood sports die slow and horrible deaths!


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