Update on dog found crawling with 2 broken legs

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On Friday evening, the Kentucky-based organization, The Arrow Fund, updated Facebook followers about the dog who was found crawling in a yard with two broken legs. Before being rescued, the dog, dubbed “Pixel,” had suffered without care – in tremendous pain and unable to stand.

The Arrow Fund detailed what veterinarians discovered upon examining the grievously wounded dog, “Pixel has a mid shaft femur fracture on his left leg and a femoral head fracture and other small fracture on his right leg. He also has wounds on his hocks . He was immediately put on IV fluids, IV pain medication, and IV antibiotics.”

The organization stated that relieving Pixel’s pain is the number one priority right now – though Pixel needs surgery, his liver enzymes are currently too high, and his potassium level too low. Due to the risk of losing him during surgery, the procedure is being put off until he is stabilized.

Pixel is being provided with round-the-clock veterinary care and pain management support – finally, thanks to veterinary treatment and backing by The Arrow Fund, he is receiving what he needs to survive. Click here to find the Arrow Fund website where donations can be made. Donations can also be mailed to The Arrow Fund P.O. Box 1127 Prospect , Kentucky 40059.

Follow the Arrow Fund on Facebook at this link.

(Photo via the Arrow Fund Facebook page)


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  1. good luck to the dog.praying for the dogs health to be better soon.find who did it to the dog and make them pay bigtime for it.that dog is a 4 legged kid wearing fur.so the person hurt a little kid.

  2. Thank :YOU Arrow FUND for STAANDING UP for Pixel. NOWITISTIME for the LAW ENFORCEMENT to DO THE SAME DARN THING Kentucky IT IS time to start defending the abuse of your PET SOCIY down there!!!!

  3. Bring the assholes that own f****** dog and I’ll break more than your f****** legs How could a f****** be that f****** there are so many sick people in this world I never realized it


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