Distraught dogs rescued from scorching hot tar roof in Newark

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On Friday, the Associated Humane Society of Newark received  an emergency call in reference two suffering dogs on a hot tar roof in Newark, the organization announced on their Facebook page. dogs on hot roof 2

When Animal Cruelty Investigation officers arrived,  they were shocked to find a pit bull and a Yorkshire terrier frantically “dancing” on the roof trying to keep their tender foot pads from burning. According to officers, the temperature was  96 degrees on the flat, tar roof as the tar bubbled and boiled under the dogs’ paws. Dog on hot roof 2

” The Yorkie continuously ran to the edge of the roof to try to find an area that would not burn her further while the pit bull, covered in hot tar, had nearly given up hope. How can people be so incredibly cruel? At Associated Humane Societies, we ask ourselves this question every day. But in some cases, there are just no words to describe the feelings we have when we encounter situations like this one,” stated the heartbreaking post on social media. dog on hot roof 3

The dogs were rescued and immediately transferred to an emergency veterinarian hospital where they are listed in “guarded” condition with severe burns. Left on the roof were trays of chicken legs and rice, however the dogs had no water. Authorities are still searching for the dogs’ owners. The dogs will remain at the vet hospital until they are doing better. dog on hot roof 4

The Associated Humane Society of Newark wants to remind everyone to report any cases of animals suffering. These two dogs are alive today because someone made a call and chose not to ignore the situation and wait for the next person to contact authorities. Be the voice for those who cannot speak. Imagine the pain these dogs suffered. The photos below tell their painful story. Donations to help these two innocent dogs can be made here.

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(Photos courtesy of AHS of Newark)

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  1. Was there no one at home when the dogs were rescued? Surely the media knows the name of the home owner or renter who was supposed to be caring for these dogs. Why isn’t the person exposed by name?
    Reports of horrible abuse of animals are very commonplace, yet the names of the abusers are rarely mentioned. It’s as if the abusers are being protected by the media. I don’t think they are even charged. If they were, their names would be published.
    And, I’d be willing to bet there will be no follow-up story on what consequences there were for the abuse because there probably will be none. Unless there are serious consequences, these stories will be repeated day after day. It’s just not considered a serious enough problem by our legal system to actually do anything about it.
    The media should report their names so that they are exposed to public censure since the legal system will, at most, do nothing more than give them a gentle, private rebuke.


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