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Wildlife Rescue

Disturbing video shows teens throwing rocks and kicking wildlife

In a disturbing video, Animal Care Services continues to investigate a case showing six teenagers throwing rocks...

Copycat cruelty: Teens on motorcycles harass terrified emus through paddock

In a copycat animal cruelty stunt, more video footage of teenagers on motorcycles chasing and harassing emus...

Just for kicks: 4 men charged with horrific cruelty in killing of kangaroos

Was it just for sadistic kicks that four men are alleged to have violently attacked and killed...

Grizzly bear hunt canceled by federal judge in Montana

A federal judge in Montana decided grizzly bears roaming around the Yellowstone National Park area are to...

Two 13-year-old bears used for their bile freed from cage for first time

Two 13-year-old female bears used for their bile and who had been kept captive all their lives...

Thug laughed as he purposely mowed down helpless emus in 4-wheeler

A young thug laughed hysterically as he videoed himself purposely mowing down at least ten emus in...

Property owner kills 3 bear cubs going after beehive for honey

A property owner in Tamworth, New Hampshire shot and killed three bear cubs on Wednesday for going...

Neighbor slams woman’s pet duck to the ground for scaring him

In Miami-Dade County, a woman from Kendall said her neighbor killed her pet duck because he felt...

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