Husky puppy recuperating after suffering injuries sustained in throw from balcony

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Houston, TX – A husky puppy is safely out of harm’s way after being injured by a man who hurled her from a second-story balcony in Houston. According to the Houston SPCA, the puppy suffered a broken leg and has other medical issues that are being addressed.

In a news release, the animal welfare agency said:

Houston SPCA rescued a puppy Tuesday afternoon after a cruelty report was filed containing video of the pet being thrown over a second-story balcony before landing on the concrete approximately 15 feet below. Fortunately, the baby husky only sustained a broken leg but has a few other medical issues that need to be treated.

The cruel incident was captured on video and it shows someone tossing the pup from a 15-ft tall balcony onto the cement below; the person responsible could face two years behind bars and a $10,000 fine. The person accused of throwing the pup has not yet been publicly identified.

Because the animal was abandoned, a Houston SPCA animal cruelty investigator could rescue the dog without a warrant and bring her back for immediate care by staff veterinarians and the animal care team. Adam Reynolds, Chief of Animal Cruelty Investigations for the Houston SPCA said:

“Take note. There are animal lovers everywhere, especially in Houston, who are going to help us stop your violence against animals by capturing it on video and filing a report with us.”

REPORT ANIMAL CRUELTY: call 713-869-7722

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