Dog undergoes lifesaving surgery after he ate six packets of Christmas chocolate coins

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In Plymouth, Devon, a Staffordshire bull terrier, named Hugo underwent lifesaving surgery after he ate six packets of Christmas chocolate coins while his owner was briefly away shopping for last minute items.

According to The Guardian, Hugo’s owner, Arnie returned home and found empty candy wrappers all over the floor. Arnie stated he had only left his home briefly, which obviously was enough time for Hugo to get into a terrible situation. At first, the dog seemed to be fine, but then Hugo began to vomit and had a seizure.

Hugo was rushed to the Devon’s PDSA animal hospital where vets made the decision to operate, as chocolate can be lethal to dogs; with foil being an additional danger. Radiographs showed Hugo’s belly full of foil which needed to be removed

Hugo was extremely lucky, and had he not been treated in a timely manner, may have died.

Although Hugo is not out of the woods yet and is on complete bed rest, the owner and the hospital urges all dog owners to secure chocolate gifts out of reach of their pets.

The PDSA cautions pet owners to keep such foods as onions, raisins, grapes, nuts and chocolate candy and cake away from your dog.

For a complete list of foods to keep away from your pets, please click here.

(Photo via Pixabay)

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