Hero Great Dane fought off venomous snake protecting her owner

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In Oceanside, California, a Great Dane protected her family when she met up with a venomous snake about to attack her owner.

According to AbcNews10, the three-year-old Great Dane, Mia, had been in the backyard with her owner Megan Montano, enjoying the beautiful weather having lunch outdoors. As Megan leaned over to leash her chihuahua, Rebel, suddenly Mia dashed by her.

Mia then bumped her owner while making a noise as if pushing her away. That’s when Megan caught sight of the snake from the corner of her eye; it was a foot-and-a-half long rattlesnake slithering in the yard.

Had not Mia intervened, Megan is convinced she would have been bitten by the snake. Instead the snake had bitten Mia, and the dog’s mouth quickly began to swell. The dog was rushed to the veterinarian where she was given the antivenin injection and was later able to return home.

And now that Mia has recovered, Megan makes sure to inspect the patio before any of the dogs are allowed outdoors.

The snake was later captured and relocated. Rattlesnakes are common in California. They are not aggressive, and will slither away if given space.

(Photo via screenshot from Megan Montano AbcNews)

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