Villagers slaughter nearly 300 crocodiles at breeding farm after man killed

Crocodiles slaughtered by villagers
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One man’s death led to the slaughter of nearly 300 crocodiles in West Papua, Indonesia. According to multiple sources, a local man was killed on July 13 by one crocodile, and the villagers proceeded to slaughter hundreds of captive crocodiles in retaliation on Saturday, following the victim’s funeral.

The captive crocodiles

As reported by the Guardian, the reptiles were held on a licensed breeding farm which was supposed to preserve and protect saltwater and New Guinea crocodiles. USA Today reports that the 48-year-old man who was killed had entered an area near the crocodiles’ breeding pond. It is believed that he was gathering grass for his own livestock.

The violent retaliation

The angry villagers who launched the deadly attack were armed with knives, hammers and clubs. TIME has reported that the local authorities were unable to stop the hundreds of people who were participating in the bloody slaughter.

The mob

Video of the violent mob shows the horrific scene which unfolded on July 14.

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    • Marni M. I totally agree with you, what the hell was he doing in there, gathering grass for his livestock, what an idiot.

  1. WTF: the man WAS trespassing (gruesome death TBS, but he was where he didn’t belong……) the animals were being animals……. “nothing personal”…… he happened to be in THEIR space & paid the “ultimate price” for his trespassing…..

    It’s too bad that the villagers were so cruel & indiscriminate in their response to his death…… This is why so many animals are on the “edge of extinction”…… while I am NOT a fan of these reptiles, I wouldn’t hurt one either…… I avoid them & want them to return the favor……

  2. I won’t even watch this. This are very stupid people. When someone crosses where wild animals are kept it is unfortunate about his death. But for these people to retaliate this way is in called for


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