Texas veteran reunites with service dog taken when his truck stolen

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In Johnson City, Texas, an army veteran ended his July 4th holiday with the loving reunion of his service dog who had been taken when his truck was stolen at a local shopping center.

According to News4SanAntonio, Justin Davis said his truck was stolen on July 3. Inside of the truck was his service dog Finn and another dog. For 24 hours, Davis frantically searched for his canine companions. He said he had been in pure disbelief when he exited the store and his truck and the dogs inside were gone.

Davis notified authorities, who found his trailer and the other dog dumped in a parking lot nearby, but Finn was still missing.

And on the afternoon of July 4th, while searching the area again, Davis found Finn and the truck dumped in an isolated area near the shopping center.

Davis served in the Army, but was discharged when he suffered a parachute landing fall. Finn has been by his side since and helped him face the world again. The two have a very special relationship.

He immediately took his dog to the vet, and the two are just happy to have been reunited.

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Canada Day celebration.
Kitty in charge of photoshoot.

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