Florida man arrested after hanging up dead coyotes as ‘lawn ornaments’

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In the small northwestern Florida town of Jay, Lonnie Hutchinson was charged with the gruesome display of two dead coyotes hung by their legs from the top of a billboard near Hutchinson’s home. Officers from Florida Fish & Wildlife arrested Hutchinson for littering; “for leaving and displaying the dead animals on the billboard.”

In addition, the suspect was also charged with killing two deer he was not properly permitted to shoot.

According to Bear Warriors United, an environmental conservation organization, Hutchinson was arraigned on June 5 and is scheduled to appear in court on June 20. The organization plans to appear in court and speak in front of the judge to express their opinion how seriously this animal cruelty charge towards wildlife affects everyone.

It had been the executive director, Katrina Shadix, who notified the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission about the disturbing display, and that the photos had been proudly displayed on a Facebook page.

After being questioned by the officers, Hutchinson originally denied hanging the coyotes on the sign, but thought it “was hilarious and funny” and said he had no idea how the coyotes got there. Then he changed his story and stated it had been teens responsible for the incident, however the initials “LH” had been in the lower right corner of the sign.

Huge kudos to the two FWC law enforcement officers who came up with some creative charges and did a very thorough investigation to nail this guy for more than one thing. Along with criminal littering (coyotes) the FWC officers nailed Hutchinson for killing 2 deer.

Bear Warriors United

The Bear Warriors United have also contacted the advertising billboard company and asked them to consider pressing charges on the suspect for trespassing and vandalism of their property.

There is no prohibition against killing coyotes on private property with the landowner’s permission, however hunters must check with the local police or sheriff’s department about the legality of discharging firearms in certain areas. It is recommended a professional trapper be hired to remove nuisance coyotes. An FWC permit is required before using steel traps.

Anyone needing assistance is asked to call 866.487.3297.

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How about paying attention to me?

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  1. Moron thinks it’s funny . Saw an idiot shooting ground hogs and I asked why do you do this ? He said because i feel like it . I told him I feel like knocking your head off , he took off .


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