Heartbroken woman returns dog to rightful owner after discovering it had been stolen seven years ago

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Michelle Burrow had fallen in love with Flash, an 11-year-old dog she had adopted nine months ago from a breeder who no longer wanted the dog. And Michelle bonded with Flash quickly; the two became inseparable at their home in South Wales.

According to ItvNews, Michelle was sent a photo of a Sprocker spaniel, who looked exactly like her dog Flash. The dog had been reported stolen seven years ago; the story had been posted online.

Michelle contacted the people and asked for proof via the dog’s microchip which did not include the important information as to the dog’s owner.

Check your microchips regularly folks!!

Don’t just scan but physically check your details are still there against the chip!!

Not only did flash’s chip not flag up when she was scanned at the vets,I then put my details on her chip via the The only info on Flash’s chip was he date of birth and the date the implant was put in. There was nothing at all to suggest she was missing.

Maybe it was a system error of some kind, which can happen. But all I know is a lot of heartache could have been avoided had things been done properly.

Michelle Burrow

The numbers indeed matched, and Michelle tearfully agreed to return Flash to her original owners who had all but given up hope their dog would ever be found. And as Michelle described the close connection she and the dog had together, the description brought tears to everyone’s eyes.

Her (Flash) place soon became the foot of my bed; so she’d be the last thing I saw before I went to sleep and the first thing that greeted me when I woke up in the morning.

Michelle Burrow

Flash had been one of five dogs stolen on the same day, and at the time, the dog’s owner, Emma Drewett had launched a huge appeal on social media to help find their dog.

Flash has since gone home after her owner drove the 200 miles to get her. It took a little time for Flash to recognize Emma, but all has worked out.

And we would all be remiss not to thank Michelle for her incredible love for Flash as well as her integrity. You’re an angel Michelle.

(Photo: Facebook)

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