Shelter refused to give woman back her precious cat because he wasn’t chipped or neutered

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For more than a year, a woman has been fighting for the return of her cat from a local animal welfare organization, and amid all the drama of an ongoing legal argument after the cat was adopted to a new family, the cat ran off again.

Patricia Donegan’s ginger cat escaped out of an open window in May 2020 and was found by a member of the public who took her to the Warrington Animal Welfare (WAW) in Warrington, England. And when Patricia saw her cat’s photo on the rescue’s Facebook page who named the cat George, she immediately contacted them and told them it was her cat Bobby and that he had accidentally escaped from his home when she left a window open.

And here’s the beginning of the disagreement; the rescue WAW called her out because her cat wasn’t chipped or neutered, and branded Patricia “irresponsible.” While the neutering and micro chipping is definitely the responsible thing to do for one’s pet, it is not a legal requirement. Patricia soon became involved in a legal battle with WAW.

During the summer, the courts instructed both parties to mediate their differences and try to reach a resolution. Bobby had already been adopted and eventually the new owner agreed to return the cat in August – giving Patricia some hope she might get her cat back. After all, Bobby had been with her as she went through cancer treatment and considered the cat her best friend.

Sadly, Bobby escaped from his new owner who said the cat somehow managed to get out of a closed cat carrier; and a search for the five-year-old cat resulted in no clues. Posters were put up everywhere to no avail, and WAW refuse to speak with Donegan.

“Unfortunately the charity and the new owners have been subjected to a social media hate campaign, instigated by the previous owners, the stress of which led to the new owners returning the cat to our Warrington HQ. It was whilst the cat was being returned that he escaped.”

Facebook WAW

Police continue to be supportive and are asking the public to keep an eye out for the adorable ginger kitty who is now neutered and microchipped.

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