Woman who threw dog from parking garage is found guilty

Woman who threw dog from parking garage found guilty
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A California woman, who threw a small dog to his death from a parking garage in San Francisco, California, was found guilty of animal cruelty on Friday. According to a news release from the San Francisco District Attorney, 34-year-old Wakeen Best was found guilty of all charges which were related to the February 2018 incident which claimed the dog’s life.

What happened?

On February 10, Best entered the Sutter/Stockton garage and targeted the “fanciest car” she saw on the seventh floor. After breaking the vehicle’s window she encountered a small Chihuahua named Dunky. The dog’s barking startled the woman who “mortally wounded” the dog before throwing his body from the 7th floor parking structure.

She showed no remorse

The woman accused of the cruel act showed now remorse.  District Attorney George Gascón stated:

“This defendant showed no remorse and is responsible for the death of a little, defenseless anima. This verdict is a small step toward bringing justice for Dunky. This verdict also sends a clear message that in San Francisco there are consequences for harming our beloved pets.”

Dunky didn’t have to die, I’m grateful for the jury’s thoughtful deliberation in this case,” said Assistant District Attorney Asha Jameson.

The jury found Best guilty of all related charges, including felony animal cruelty, felony auto burglary and felony vandalism.

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  1. U bitch I hope u get killed & thrown off in a high story bldg & smash your ugly body to death what an evil bitch u will die somehow for your evil act I pray it will be a tortured death asap bg

  2. This vile,sub human, does not deserve to live anywhere, even in jail. She has an arrest sheet 40 times and should never have been let out of prison. She kills someones pet after breaking into their car. Fatally injures this tiny dog and then to make sure it is dead, tosses it over the garage to it’s death. It does not say what her punishment is, but she is one of those criminals who should never be let out or among normal people. Look at her face,void of any feeling and nothing there-soul less cretin.

  3. Is The Little Dog Still Alive and is The Fur Baby OK. I would Love To Have Little One to. He or She Is so Cute to. And as for That BITCH Can BURN In HELL to.Some one should Throw Her Off A High Place.

  4. This ghetto rat named Wakeen Best deserves no less than to be hogtied and thrown over the Golden Gate Bridge – just another useless waste of space who proved she has no right to breathe. I am sure there are a lot of volunteers who would be glad to implement this punishment.

    • Use her first for medical experimentation instead of innocent animals , then throw her tied up from the Golden Gate. I’m sure there would be plenty of volunteers!

  5. Evil maggot skanky cunt whose fugly face matches the ugly name it’s mama gave it. I hope it’ll be the queen bull dykes favorite bitch.

  6. She deserves to be thrown from the highest building in the city after being beaten bloody. There was no reason for her to kill little Dunky. The only reason she did it is that she’s an evil sociopath with no soul whatsoever.

    • I bet she gets a suspended sentence and has to do community service with may be some anger management thrown in for good measure. Any way you look at it, it won’t be more than a “slap on the wrist”!

  7. She deserves no less than the death penalty! But first she should be thrown off a parking structure! Regardless–she has earned her special place” in HELL!

  8. Kill the vile and evil psychopathic depraved Bitch. That innocent and defencless little dogs life taken because of the vile and evil psycho bitch from hell.
    An eye for an eye. Just kill the evil bitch before this monster deliberately kills another defenceless and innocent sentient being.
    RIP little fella. You are now in Animal Heaven and crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Fly high little fella. .

  9. As horrible as this is……..it would not have been possible had this poor animal not BEEN LEFT IN A CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope the owners are feeling horrible for this!

  10. What an evil bitch, I hope someone beats the shit out of her and she had nightmares and no peace in her empty soul, evil mind . RIP to that cute little guy.


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