Viral video shows dog chasing vehicle after being dumped

Dog chased car after being dumped
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A video, showing a dog chasing a vehicle after someone dumped her along a road outside of Springfield, Missouri, has gone viral after it was posted on Facebook. Glenn Blake posted the surveillance video to Facebook on Tuesday and it has already been viewed over 300,000 times.

Viral video description

Blake posted the video and wrote:

Person dumping dog in our neighborhood this morning 10 July at 10:13. Please share. I had no idea this video would spread so fast and so far. Here is more information all in one place.  This is at Farm Road 148 and Farm Road 205. Three miles east of Springfield, MO just off of Hwy D. The Greene County Sheriff’s Office was notified. 

What happened to the abandoned dog?

According to Blake, the authorities were notified and a deputy was able to locate the dog, who was suffering in the heat. Blake wrote, “Deputy Turner was able to locate the dog. At this point the poor dog was getting dehydrated and weak. The Deputy was extremely concerned and caring and provided the dog with water and comfort. The temperature reached 96 degrees today.”

The dog, a female Labrador retriever mix, has been turned over to Rescue One for care – she is currently recuperating from burned paws and dehydration.

Video of dog being dumped

More news and updates on the National Animal News Facebook page.

Woman mourning loss of dog who was shot and killed by police – read more here.

police shot dog who escaped from his yard

Dog died inside of parked SUV while owners dined at nearby sports bar – read more here.

Dog died in hot SUV

Our site is supported by stories from

Dying man’s wish to find a home for his beloved dogs – read the story here.

Woman horrified by house infestation after walking in the park with her dog – read more here.

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  1. what a sorry son of a bitch! I hope they find him and put him under the jail. he doesn’t deserve to breathe the air that poor baby breathes. I hope someone steps up and gives this poor soul a forever home, please…

  2. I hope this wretched excuse for a woman is located and penalized somehow. Put her name on a national registry for abuse and never allow her another pet. How heartless do you have to be to do this? Then to see them chasing you in your rear view mirror…..vile….worthless, POS. HEY KARMA………..GET HER!!!!

  3. I hope the pup is doing ok! My heart just dropped when I saw her run after the car!! Poor poor baby!! I hope she finds a good loving permanent home!! To the person who dumped this beautiful pup, someday u will b abandoned someone u love!! Mark my words!!

  4. Someone knows who did this – the dog deserves justice for the cruel treatment some inbred maggot did to him. Thank God he was found and is in good hands – the bastard who dumped him desperately needs a fatal encounter with an 18 wheeler – hope it happens very soon.


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