Surveillance shows kid body slamming pup – mom claims that they ‘were playing’

Man claims that kid was body-slamming a puppy
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An Arizona man was disturbed when he watched a kid body slamming a puppy to the ground – according to ABC 15 News, Vic Barber confronted the boy after seeing the puppy repeatedly thrown to the ground. He even removed the puppy from the child’s possession and filed a report with the Phoenix police department.

But the child’s mother watched surveillance video of the situation and in her eyes, the incident didn’t reflect an abusive situation, merely “playing.” She told ABC 15, “I don’t really take this as animal abuse, these are kids playing.”

The mom, whose name has not been shared, did agree that it was not “okay” for her son to treat the puppy that way, however. Barber told the news station that he hopes the kids in the video will receive help – especially given their young age and the violence that he perceives that they exhibited.

The puppy is back with the family in question – Barber turned his surveillance video over to the authorities.

(Screenshot via ABC 15 News)

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  1. BIG mistake of returning that puppy to that family. Guarantee he will do it again. He got away with it once, he WILL do it again.

  2. Authorities need to step in and find that puppy a new home, fast before it suffers anymore. Kid needs counseling and shouldn’t be able to have any pets yet. This is a huge red flag that I hope someone take seriously.

  3. Why do you protect this sociopathic, amoral mother and her little brat? What are their names? Show their photos! Who were the geniuses that decided to return the poor abused dog to these depraved degenerates? Tell us!

  4. Let me send a much bigger kid over to play with this assholes son and have the bigger kid repeatedly slam her son to the ground, hopefully on concrete, and see if she’s ok with that Kind of Playing. Just proves she’s as ignorant and stupid as the soon she raised proves the Apple doesn’t fall from the tree. She should be sterilized and never allowed to breed again. Take that puppy away now.

  5. They gave the puppy back to the family?????? Another case of people not doing their job and the kids probably won’t change and end up in jail.

  6. ok wait so she said it was just playing but then says she agrees it was not ok … i can see why they wont give the skanks name

  7. the kid was body slamming the pup on the ground, that is Not play, it is abuse, if the mother doesn’t know the difference between play and abuse, then the kid and the pup should be taken away from her. violent behavior for a kid so young!

  8. What kind of police officers would ever allow that poor puppy to be returned to that family? That mother should be arrested for animal cruelty! That child or children should be removed from the home and placed somewhere they can not harm other breathing creatures!

  9. The mother is a stupid useless CUNT who’s POS kid will grow up thinking it’s ok to hurt animals (or eventually people)! She shouldn’t be allowed to have a pet or kids for that matter. As for the little bastard .. he needs his ass beat like a drum REPEATEDLY!!!! DON’T GIVE A FUCK .. how old he is.

  10. I did watch the film on the news report and they showed the IGNORANT B***H who’s his mother insist that this wasn’t animal abuse…. That poor puppy should be taken away from the family because his life is in danger every single moment he stays with them. ‘Mommy’ is too dense to understand the difference between playing and abuse, so the child is more than likely going to end up abusing not only the puppy but everyone else in his orbit.


    • Another psychopath in the making and the mother is an enabler. He will end up killing someone someday, may be her, and nobody will be surprised but her.

  11. This mother sounds like an abuser herself if she thinks body slamming a puppy is child’s play. This is what is wrong with the youth of today, parents NOT willing to take responsibility for the actions of their children. Had he been my child, there would have been NO excuses made and he would have had a warm butt! I hope they get the puppy away from these people, I see nothing but abuse for the poor pup!

  12. Oh my gosh! Idiot kids and even an idiot mom. She can look at that video and think that was playing???????!! who do we email? Oh my gosh! God bless that neighbor. I would have taken that puppy into the house and called the police. That is wrong.

  13. Little Bastards!!!!!They’ll be in juvey by the time the’re 13!!!!As for the mother…..You effen asshole for condoning animal abuse!!!!!They will turn on you at some point idiot.(I can only hope). Poor poor puppy going back to that hellhole!!!!!!

  14. If anyone had seen me playing with my Black Lab Hobo when I was a kid, they might of thought that he was attacking me, or that I was abusing him. We would wrestle, chest bump each other, he’d be mock biting my neck, and it probably looked pretty sketchy.

    He used to virtually beg me to wrestle with him, and I used to love it too.

    I’m not defending this kid, as I haven’t seen any video of the incident, I’m just saying that sometimes playtime with a dog can look like something it isn’t.

  15. REMOVE THIS PUPPY or he will be killed…..even the IDIOT MOTHER of those kids says it WAS NOT ABUSE!?!?!? How about picking up her skinny a** and body slamming her several times and see what she says then! Although, this may be her life and she is used to it…..the poor dog isn’t. GET HIM OUT OF THERE!!!!!

  16. These brats will do it again. Probably injure the poor dog then they will dump it at a shelter to be killed or it’s injuries paid for by someone else.

  17. After seeing the video that woman must be ignorant or taking up for bad behaviour. That isn’t how normal kids play!!!!! I can’t believe that dog was returned!!!!!! Who is more ignorant here? The woman or who ever returned the dog to this situation????

  18. looking at the video the mother and her dirt bag son they should both be slammed to the ground both fucking pieces of shit

  19. I’m glad the man with the video did not back down to the mom claiming it was kids play. These brats need to get a lesson in correct conduct with young animals.

  20. This family needs to some serious counseling for this brat plus do a little moral checking of themselves! Shes raising the next serial killer!

  21. The bad news: next we will hear that this poor puppy is found near dead or dead. In what world is BODY slamming considered play, Russia or China maybe? Wonder how this derelict mother would view it if her psychopath kid did this to his sibling? Fast forward 30 years: mother found lying in her own waste, emaciated and near death because SON in charge of her care completely neglected her and stole her savings. The good news: Phoenix has some pretty decent people working in this arena and with it being on video, it’ll be hard for it to become her word against his. Phoenix authorities will act to protect this pup in some form, even if through a strong warning and counseling the retarded mother. Thank God Barber did his part by reporting it and giving video evidence.


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