Stolen horse ‘ridden to death’ in Louisiana

Stolen horse ridden to death
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A heart-wrenching act of animal cruelty took place this week in Louisiana. According to the St. Landry Parish Animal Control and Rescue, a young horse, just four years of age, was stolen and then ridden to death. The gelding suffered a shattered shoulder after someone’s cruel ride.

On Sunday, the animal welfare agency wrote:

Yesterday minors were seen fleeing. After riding him. He still has saddle marks….AND A SHATTERED SHOULDER. He can not place his leg forward. He drags it best he can.

Stolen horse ridden to death

Bitter outcome for injured horse

By Monday morning, a veterinary exam confirmed that the young horse was in too much pain to be saved. The animal welfare agency explained:

“At 8:41 am our vet arrived. We took xray after xray. Confirming the worst. A fragment of bone BROKE, high in the SHOULDER ….causing him extreme pain. He could not hold his head up, without support. His breath labored, intense sweating on injured side only ( point of shoulder swollen). We weighed all options, and consulted with our vet and care team. We gave him PEACE….”

The horse, Caballo was humanely euthanized at 10 a.m. The animal control agency is hoping to find those who are responsible for his fatal injury.

Animal control agency seeks justice for injured horse

The animal control agency is hopeful that someone has information about who is responsible for this horse’s fatal injury. Anyone with information is asked to call  337-948-6184

(Images via St. Landry Parish Animal Control)

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  1. Sounds like the bastards ALL rode the horse at one time without any regard for his safety.

    Once upon a time in this country horse thieves in this country were hanged.


  2. Being owners of 3 rescues ( 2mares 1gelding) 1rescue mule (jenny) I am Not only dismayed at this happening, I am disturbed at the wording of the “animal control” who states “they are hoping ” to catch the “minors responsible” Hell how do they know they were minors in the first place, and as they were seen fleeing, the individual’s that SAW THEM surely has an IDEA who they were… where the hell did they get the saddle, and they had to be experienced riders to stay on the poor horse to ride him to the point of exhaustion and causing such extensive damage to the beautiful equine…. There should be a livestock investigator involved in this and if in the county a Sheriff at the very least… Animal Control Bullshit!!! This is not just a little funny joyride… this is EVIL , BRUTAL, and a FELONY I am sure this horse is well worth over $1,500.00 at the bare minimum…. Louisiana ( especially ST. Landry) your county and State have enough black eyes when it comes to common humanity… Get your act together and catch these Bastards!!!!

  3. It doesn’t sound like the authorities are trying real hard to find the little sociopaths. Political correctness, much?

  4. I don’t ever want to hear about how innocent kids are. These teens were ruthless and selfish, when they are caught they will be sorry and remorseful, but don’t be fooled…’s only because they were caught. Praying for then to find these culprits.

  5. Hope they have evidence to use to catch these lowlife things that did this to such a beautiful horse. Horrible that this horse had to be abused like this to succumb to the excruciating pain he must have been in. Whoever did this must be caught,punished either jail time or something else where the punishment fits the crime as it use to be.If it were teens, they and their parents must be held accountable because all this starts in the home in most cases.

  6. Hope these THUGS are found and beaten within an inch of their lives. throw them in jail and when they get out, make them buy the owner another horse. To lose such a magnificent animal to the STUPIDITY OF A BUNCH OF THUGS. NO PLEA DEALS. They knew what they were doing when they stole the horse. This thing of “they are hoping ” to catch the “minors responsible” is BS. Minors or not, they were the cause of this horse dying as such a young age. Hang them high!!!!

  7. I am so glad the Louisiana Animal Control is ‘hoping’ to locate the bastards who did this to an innocent animal. That wording alone shows that nothing will be done at all. At one time horse stealing was a death sentence – and should be reinstated. Until stricter animal welfare acts are installed the sewer slime who abuse them will continue their cruelty since they know authorities will just look the other way. This happens in every state – what should be felonies are bargained down to misdomeanors or fines – which mean nothing is done. This country needs to wake up and stop treating animal abusers like litterers.

  8. These monsters need to be caught and given adult prison time because they are sadistic murderers! The police need to actually do their job and get them!


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