Shelter makes changes after large dog attacks small dog in play area

Protocol changes after dog attack in shelter play area
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An animal shelter in Texas has made changes to its protocol after a frightening attack in a play area. According to WFAA News, a man visiting the Keller Regional Adoption Center, which is operated by the Humane Society of North Texas, captured the upsetting situation last weekend on his cell phone – no shelter volunteers or employees were present when the larger dog attacked the small dog and the man wound up having to call 911 for help.

Though the video is disturbing, the smaller dog, a Chihuahua named Taco, did survive. Glen Bulawka, who caught the troubling scene on his cell phone, told WFAA, “I started filming because I felt like this was neglect.”

The shelter staff has acknowledged that an employee had put the dogs out to play – and then left the area. After the attack, changes have been made and dogs will no longer be allowed to interact without someone present. Shelter spokesperson Cassie Lackey stated, “There was a mistake made, absolutely, and again their well-being and care is our utmost concern. When we know better we do better, so that’s what we’re going to do.”

Taco is recuperating from his injuries and will be made available for adoption soon – Amber, the dog who attacked, is in quarantine. If no further behavioral issues are discovered, she will be made available for adoption as well – but any potential adopter will be advised of what happened.

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More: Man tried to drown puppy under faucet

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  1. Thank god the Chihuahua survived. This situation further proves there is an abundance of STUPID assholes on the planet.

    • hi Gizmos Mommy, I know you didn’t mean it to be funny, but I spit my tea on my computer when I read you reply. I totally agree with you. Never put big and little dogs together. these folks had better learn about dogs. have a good day.

  2. You would think this would only be common sense to NOT put large and small dogs in the same area – Apparently Texas doesn’t have any common sense – AND this incompetent piss poor employee left the area – typical Texas – total lack of concern for animal welfare – So, Cassie Lackey – you claim animal well-being and care is a concern – PROVE IT. No large dogs belong in an area with small dogs – anyone with half a brain knows this.

  3. WOW! “changes have been made and dogs will no longer be allowed to interact without someone present”. Isn’t that the way it should be in the first place? I know from experience that Chihuahua’s are the bullies of the dog world and will pester and get even the most patient dog going. Big dogs and little dogs sometimes don’t mix well and you are asking for trouble letting them play together. That poor little dog is lucky he wasn’t hurt worse but it speaks volumes about the “Pit Bull”, if the “Pit Bull” were vicious the little dog would have been history. I hope and pray both find loving homes.

  4. The level of stupidity just takes my breathe away. Happy to know the chi survived the attacked. Putting large dogs and small ones in an area without supervision is asking for trouble. Please take your head out of your butt.

  5. Really stupid thing to do. Shouldn’t that have been protocol in the first place? Glad Taco survived, but this is an attack that was so completely avoidable. Hope he doesn’t suffer any longstanding after effects, like a fear of big dogs.

  6. This wasn’t just a mistake. This was negligence. For them to now change the protocol and not let dogs play unattended is beyond late. This should have been in place to begin with.

  7. What a HERO Glen Bulawka IS he didn’t just go on when there was no response from the Shelter::: he called 911 !!! thankfully for Taco !! that the Pitty could have easily disposed of Taco with a couple good bites… Hopefully the shelter learned a valuable lesson… It looked like a very Clean Place for the poor animals in that Hell Hole STATE of TEXAS and they need at least 500 more like that to help in saving some of animals for places of squalor like Harris County….

  8. And these people are entrusted with the care of dogs? You NEVER put dogs together of any size without knowing all their temperaments as any dog could turn on another for any reason, especially in a shelter environment when everything is high key with dogs barking and more commotion.

  9. Big dogs fight with big dogs and little dogs fight with little dogs too. There should always be an employee/volunteer close. Very close.


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