Neglected puppy discovered with severed paw

Puppy with severed paw found
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The authorities in Lee County, North Carolina, are investigating a case of animal cruelty involving two puppies, one of whom was found with a severed paw. According to ABC 11 News, both puppies were hungry, filthy and covered in fleas.

Neglected puppies receiving care

The neglected puppies are now safely out of harm’s way and are receiving care at the Animal Hospital of Fayetteville. Dr. Brittany McLamb was shocked at the condition of the seven-week-old pups. She told the news agency, “It’s hard to say what happened to them but whatever happened it was just horrible for that puppy to be in that condition for that long.”

The puppy whose paw was severed has to undergo surgery – if she makes it through the procedure, she has a good chance of recovering from her injury and the neglect.

Abandoned animals

Dr. McLamb isn’t sure what happened to these puppies, but it appears that they may have been abandoned by someone who became overwhelmed. She said, “Some people get overwhelmed, don’t get their dogs spayed, neutered, then wind up with a bunch of puppies to care for and don’t know what to do with.”

It is critical to spay/neuter all pets – any pet that can no longer be cared for should be turned over to a rescue agency or an animal shelter…not left to fend for him or herself.

(screenshot of puppy via ABC 11 News)

More news and updates on the National Animal News Facebook page.

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  1. What’s going on where this evil is now cutting parts of puppies body parts off. Those of you who pray…start praying. Use your voice for stricter penalties against animal cruelty

  2. What is wrong with people? Even if they are overwhelmed, why can’t they take these pups to a shelter instead of leaving them alone?Just say you found them like anyone else would say. Will this pup loose his whole leg or part, and if part, will he need a prosthetic? Keep use informed as to what happens.


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