Former Navy Sailor Faces up to 7 Years in Prison for Distributing Animal Torture Videos

Navy sailor may face 7 years of prison
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A former Navy sailor could face up to seven years in prison for distributing a video depicting the torture of animals. According to the United States Department of Justice, Petty Officer Third Class Daniel James O’Sullivan, 26, has been convicted of distributing a video depicting the drowning of puppies.

Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) agents were tipped off to O’Sullivan’s distribution of videos depicting the torture and killing of animals in June 2016 – as the case was investigated, the former sailor was found to have multiple animal crush videos on his digital devices. The Department of Justice described what was found:

In one video, a dog’s mouth is closed with duct tape as it is set on fire. In another, a dog is thrown off a high-rise building. Other videos depict mice and baby chicks being ground-up in a blender.

In September 2017, O’Sullivan received an other than honorable discharge from the Navy. O’Sullivan will be sentenced in August – he faces up to seven years in federal prison and a possible $250,000 maximum fine.

More news and updates at the National Animal News Facebook page

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  1. Seven measly years? He’ll get out early, and go back to torturing helpless animals. Sadism is a sexual preference, not amenable to treatment of any kind. This man is a monster and will be a danger to society as long as he lives. Either keep him locked up for life or execute him.

  2. To think these lower life forms were representing out country makes me sick ! They need to be put down like the scum they are!

  3. Another sick low life POS on this earth that needs to be taken out but tortured first. This mental case represents our country who needs to be put on the first line so he can be taken out. It must be very exciting for him to watch these sick ass video. Why don’t we watch videos of him being tortured.

  4. It’s absolutely heartbreaking how awful and callous some individuals can be to defenseless animals……

    I just know that anyone who is deliberately cruel to others (people and animals) will burn in Hell forever for their cruelty…… Here’s hoping they get there ASAP after suffering in pain, alone, terrified and worst of all, unloved as they die (as they did to others)…….

  5. THIS PSYCHOPATHIC MONSTER needs to be NO MORE !!!! post the video presentation of his pastime to the inmates prior to his entry into the cell block!!! Next he will dismember a small child while alive, disembowel an elder, cut the breasts of a young woman, Need More be said!!!

  6. A total waste of flesh and bone – he has proven his horrific abuse and cruelty towards animals and since he videoed it, it should be used in court and give he the true punishment he deserves – life. Seven years is a slap on the wrist and is only an OK to continue his animal cruelty – he will never serve the full sentence and be out way too soon. There needs to be MUCH more serious penalties for animal cruelty – at present there is no deterrent for abusers – those in authority need to step up and stop treating animals like disposable objects.

  7. Put these fucking monsters all together on island and burn them all to death all these fucking dirt bags scumbags animal abusers should all be killed

  8. Sub-human maggot ought to be water boarded until almost dead, then put him on a table with all four limbs stretched until they’re dislocated. Then throw his sadistic ass in a cell to suffer. Period! And to think he was in the United States Navy!

  9. Can this monsters Honorable Discharge be taken away? There is absolutely NOTHING honorable about this sick monster!! His eternity in hell will be waiting for him…..hope he gets there sooner than later!


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